Chapter Twenty-Six

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Mental and physical exhaustion trudged through Kara's veins and poisoned her blood until she couldn't resist the pull any longer. She ached all over for her bed, so Alex drove her back to her own apartment and that's where Kara has been knocked out for the past six hours.

And the only reason she wakes up is because the walls are so paper thin and she can distinctly hear voices outside of her bedroom.

"I could call my wife you know, she's on duty, she could be here in ten minutes and arrest you for trespassing," she hears her sister whisper-shout.

"I'm her wife, what's mine is hers and vice-versa, I am not trespassing in the apartment I have been paying the rent for," she distinctly hears Lena's voice, jolting her body wide awake.

Her heart starts racing, hopping around like a lost little puppy who is so excited to find its owner again. But her blood, it runs cold from just one thought of confronting Lena after she ran out on her in the middle of the night like a coward.

"She needs time. Just give her some space-"

"She left me in the middle of the night. Packed her bags and crossed the planet without a goodbye. No, I deserve better than that. If she wants to end things, then she needs to say it to my face. She doesn't get to just screw me and then sneak out," Lena yells, causing Kara to wince and if she could see her sister's face, she would be reminded just how similar they truly are.

She sighs heavily, a little from the tiredness still tormenting her soul and a little bit from the apprehension of facing her reality. She should have known Lena would follow her. She tosses her comforter to the other side of the bed and reluctantly climbs off the mattress. She's stomping toward the living room without realizing how angry her footsteps are, warning the women that she's coming.

When she emerges, her sister and wife are already analyzing her disheveled appearance.

"Sorry, Kara, she wouldn't leave," Alex declares while Lena crosses her arms defiantly over her chest.

"I apologize if we woke you but we need to talk."

Kara exhales all her frustrations and nods slowly, because even though she would like more space and time, she does owe it to Lena to have a proper discussion. Her lazy feet shuffle toward the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee because she knows she needs some caffeine to get her through this talk.

"I appreciate you hanging around here, Alex," she sheepishly says while she works on the coffee and avoids eye contact. "But Lena and I should talk."

Alex inhales sharply, silently expressing that she's annoyed but she moves quickly to kiss Kara's temple and make her exit. "Call me later."

"I will," Kara wholeheartedly agrees, still refusing to lift her head as the door slams shut.

"What on Earth were you thinking?" Lena immediately bellows, slamming her purse onto the counter and then proceeding to shrug out of her coat and make herself more comfortable for the argument that's sure to come. "Have you lost your damn mind? Who leaves someone in the middle of the night? And not just across town, you left the damn continent!"

Kara flinches. "I know," she quietly concedes.

"You know? That's all you have to say for yourself?"

"I'm sorry," Kara explodes, her eyes still trained on the coffee pot that's slowly starting to drip. "I-I just couldn't...just the thought," she pauses as she cringes. "I had to get out of that apartment."

"Then say that! Don't just run away," Lena scolds, leaning against the counter and dipping down in search of Kara's sad eyes.

"I needed time and space to think," Kara softens her voice because she really doesn't have it in her to hurt Lena any more than she already has. Timidly, she lifts her gaze and discovers green eyes shimmering in a pool of tears. "I am sorry but I needed to come home. I couldn't be in London any longer, it just felt...tainted and dirty and I needed a place where I felt comfortable and safe to really think about where I want to go next in my life."

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