Author's Note and Welcome

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Hello Reader, 

This is my first real story and I'm really proud of how it's come together. Please comment and let me know what you think as you read. 

I can't wait for you to see where this goes. Thank you for reading!

With Love, KP


When Stella goes out for her birthday with her friends she gets the surprise of her life. Not only does she question everything that has happened to her she begins to question everything she thought she knew.

Stella discovers things about herself she never imagined. Will the mysterious stranger be able to pull down her walls or will she push him away?

Stella has many things that affect her, things she's not ready to get into. That's not always a choice though. Especially when a mysterious stranger seems to understand it all.

Warning/Disclaimer: There will be heavy topics and mentions of alcohol/drug use. This will serve as the only warning for the whole story. Stella is a very complicated character as well as Calum. There may be mentions or hinting to sexual activity so I recommend this book for more mature audiences. 

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