Chapter 3

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"What the fuck" I almost yelled at him. He covered my mouth with his hand causing me to lean my back against the door. "shhhhhh... just trust me." He said in a soft voice, turning on the car and driving away. After a few moments of awkward silence, I broke it. " where are we even going?" I said crossing my arms and looking out the window in annoyance. "Remember that doughnut place we used to go as kids?" He told me in a soft voice. I loosened my arms a little bit and turned to look at him.

I looked at him he was smirking as he looked back at me for a second immediately gluing his eyes to the road again. The rest of the ride I looked outside appreciating the view I had missed for 17 years.

We got to griddy's and five turned off the car sitting there for a few moments. As I went to open the door he broke the silence. "Wait I need to talk to you" he said facing his body towards me. "we can do that in the diner." I said opening my door. And walking across the street. I walked in and sat at the counter, five walked in after me and sat down. He rang the bell impatiently.

He looked at me " ok... why are you still so young? Or well why do you look so young?" He asked causing me to look at him but hesitate. I looked down at the counter. I sighed. "My last mission...There was an accident..." he looked down at the floor. "the trauma was so bad..." he looked back at me. " my body shut down... and went into stasis. I lived to 30 but my body is still 14." I said looking at him.

"So why are you still so young?" I said looking at the menu. " I must've gotten the math wrong.... Delores said it didn't look right, I should have listened to her" he said shaking his head as he looked up and stared ringing the bell again. I looked at him confused "Delores?" I asked him with a little bit more jealousy than intended "don't worry about it..." he said as someone walked in the door. "sorry sink was clogged. What will it be?" She said getting out a pen. She started with the man sitting next to five first. "I'll have a chocolate eclair" the man said with a smile.

"Can I get the kids a milk or something?" Agnes asked pointing her pen at me and five. " coffee, black" five said with a sly smirk. Ok and what will it be for you hun?" She said looking at me. "uh I don't want anything I'm good." I said looking at her. She turned to the man after writing it down. "cute kids." She said smiling at us.

  Five faked a smile and wrapped his arm around me. And I quickly shoved it off. She chuckled and went to get their orders. He turned to the man and started talking to him until our orders came. When she came back with their stuff, five was about to put his money down when the man waved his hand and said "I've got theirs." Hand the woman the money. She left and went to the back room. "it's funny I don't remember this place being suck a shithole." five said turning back to the man.

The man looked at five and just nodded smiling. " me and her used to come here when we were younger with our siblings." pointing towards me as I smiled at the memories. "You remember that?" Five said turning around to me. I nodded "yeah" I said with A sad laugh.

Suddenly I heard the door open and five grabbed my hand. I looked at him and saw him looking at the bell. I looked down at the bell to see guns pointed towards our heads. "that was fast. I thought I'd have more time before they found me." five said not even looking at them. "Okay, so let's all be professional about this, yeah? On your feet and Come with us. They want to talk." I heard a voice say behind us. And we turned around.

"I've got nothing to say." Five said " it doesn't have to go this way. Do you think I want to shoot two kids, and go home with that on my Conscience." The man behind us said. "Two??" I asked myself.

"leave her out of this..... and I wouldn't worry about that." Five said. Five then took his hand off mine and started playing with the knife. "you won't be going home." He said turning around stabbing the knife into the guys neck. I winced at the sight. Five jumped back in the counter "hey assholes." He said as they shot at him. He jumped in front of one of them and stabbed him in the gut.

"Come with us and you won't get hurt" the guy said as he came up behind us, five spacial jumped behind him and snapped his neck. "oh we won't be the ones getting hurt" I said with a smirk as I spacial jumped behind another guy and tapped him on the shoulder "behind you " I said in the most innocent voice I could muster.

  "I heard a rumour that you shot your friends" i said jumping behind five who was between two guys and he took my hand and  jumped us behind them , and they shot each other. I took a knife that was on the floor and stabbed one of the men it the eye. I turned around and slit the other guys throat.

Five looked at me "damn " he said breathlessly. "I forgot how much I missed that." He said. "Ya, because killing a dozen men with your best friend is always fun." I said rolling my eyes sarcastically.

Five grabbed another knife and walked over to the counter and started cutting his right arm. " five what the hell!"I said as I winced at the sight, He ignored me and continued cutting "what the fuck are you doing?" I ran over and took the knife out of his hand. He opened the cut and started digging around for something but I couldn't watch. Finally he pulled out a beeping chip. " is that what I think it is?" I said looking at the chip. "That's how they found me so fast." He said as he crushed it with his foot.

"five what the fuck, who were those men?!"

"That is not important right now." he said as he headed out the door.

"Five what's going on?" he stopped but didn't turn around. " it doesn't matter, y/n go home this doesn't concern you"

"the hell it doesn't! They just fucking shot at me I think that concerns me."

I said almost yelling as I rushed my hands through my hair. Five stopped walking and started fixing his tie, I walked over to him.

  "here let me" I said as i started fixing his tie." I tried focusing on his tie but I could feel him staring at me. "I missed you" he said looking down at me. "I missed you to" I said tightening his tie.

I looked up at him. We stood there for a minute, looking at each other before I broke contact walking away.

"We should leave before the police get here and think we did this" I said a little to coldly. Then walking over it the car and getting in.

Hey guys! So I hope your liking the story so far! I'll get part 3 up soon. Please don't forget to vote!

Word count 1305

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