Chapter 23

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I walked back over to Diego and klaus.

  "Five's gone, he went to see the handler. He'll be back." I told them as Luther walked over. "Well we're not waiting around for him. The concert starts in 30 minutes." Luther said.

"All right so what's the plan?" Diego asked. "Well I think that uh..... we go to the icarus theatre." Luther replied simply. "Thats a location not a plan dimwit." I said looking at him.

  "What is that all you got?" Diego asked him intrigued. "Look you wanna be number one, fine. But your gonna have to get us on the same page. Because right now we're all over the place." Diego told him. "We need a plan." Luther said. As people with machine guns and den has masks walked in.

  "Get down!" Luther yelled as they started shooting the place up. Right then five jumped back. "Shit!" He yelled as I grabbed his hand and pulled him behind the counter.

  "Who the hell are these guys?" Luther screamed. "Maybe their here for kenny's birthday!" Klaus yelled excitedly "no I'm pretty sure they here for us." I said.

  Diego threw me and knife and I caught it. We looked up from the counter and we threw them killing two guys. I immediately hid back behind the counter. Luther threw a boiling ball and I jumped to one of them snapping his neck and jumped behind the counter.

  Klaus grabbed cake and grabbed a piece to eat then threw it. I threw 2 more knives that I had in my blazer. "They're blocking the exit!" Klaus yelled ducking. "So that's the plan now, Luther?" Diego screamed. Allison pointed to the lanes "the lanes now!" I screamed. They each ran threw a lane and slid threw to the other side but I stayed behind and turned around. "Y/n what the hell are you doing?" Luther asked. But I ignored him and put my hands up as my eyes glowed red and lifted their bodies up, as they exploded. I turned and ran as fast as I could breathing heavily as I still wasn't 100% recovered from my injuries.

  I got threw and was the last one out the door as more came and started shooting.

  We arrived at the theatre but the music had already  started. Allison pulled out her notepad. "I need to talk alone." It has written on it. "Allison I can't let you do that all right? She's beyond reasoning." He told her. " you hear the music. It already started." Diego said.

  "Do you honestly think she's gonna listen? After everything that's happened."Luther asked her. "Luther let her go." I demanded. "She needs to do this." I told him. "We don't have time for this." Klaus said. "Okay." Luther said giving in.

  Allison walked away. "Your using her as a distraction aren't you?"  Diego said watching her walk away. "Luther!" I said getting mad and looking at her. "Our best chance to incapacitate Vanya." He said looking at me and Diego.

  "She'll thank us later." Luther said as me Diego and five walked into the theatre. Luther stayed to talk to klaus and Ben.

  Vanya was playing her solo as me and Diego looked at her from opposite sides of the stage. Luther and Diego started running as I screamed "no!" But it was to late Vanya threw them back with her bow. And the guests started fleeing. The players tried to leave to but Vanya made them sit down.

  "Vanya stop!" I pleaded to her crying. Walking to the corner of the stage. She pays no attention and tried to throw me back with her bow but I opened my eyes glowing red again, and put up my hands to stop her force.

  Then the guys in red masks I blasted her but she sent a force back knocking me back to where five was. "So your still falling for me?" He said with a smirk. "Charming." I said looking at him with a smile. "The violin it's her lightening rod." Luther said as we all looked back.

  "If we can't take it from her and stop her from playing we might have a shot." Luther said as
The guys in masks started shooting at us again.

  "What the hell happened to klaus he's supposed to be our lookout." Diego shouted. "It's klaus what did you expect? I asked him.

"Yeah you surprised?" Luther asked. "What's with all the lolly gagging?" Five asked standing up. Five got down as they shot at him. "That's what." I told him with a smirk.

  "This is not good." He said looking at me. "You know these guys?" Diego asked him. "Yeah I do." Five said as I looked at him in shock.

  "And?" I asked. "Well we're screwed." He replied. "Guys it's cha-cha!" Klaus said running over to us. "It's cha-cha she" okays screamed running."klaus get down!" I screamed. Five jumped on the back of and tried taking him down.

  I stood up at sent a blast at them knocking them down my eyes still glowing red. "Y/n your eyes!" Luther said to me. "What?" I asked confused. "Their red!" He said as everybody looked at me. And I looked at klaus as his hands glowed. "Klaus?" I asked. When Ben  appeared and took out all of the bad guys with tentacles.

  Cha-cha appeared on the stage walking towards Vanya as I stood up and put my hands up sending her flying back.

    Then Vanya and her violin turned white. "She's getting more powerful we have to stop her." I yelled. "How do we want to end this thing?" Diego asked coming up to us. "All right we surround her come at her from all sides." Luther said as we huddled. "So it's a suicide mission." I said looking at him. "One of us could get through it's the only chance we've got." Five said looking at me. 

"We all in?" Luther asked "Allison?" He continued. "Stage left stage right, you guys take the front." He said pointing to me klaus and five. "Now!" Luther yelled as we all ran towards Vanya. But she threw us all back hanging us in the air as she started draining the life out of us.

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