Chapter 15

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We appeared at the commission and started walking toward the main building. "I must admit number five, in all the time that I've been here, I've never met anyone quite like you. Hazel and ch-cha for example are talented, certainly, but... they can't see the big picture. And Eight your powers are extraordinary." She said to us. "Five your spunk your enterprising spirit well it reminds me a great deal of myself, if..... I may be so vainglorious. And Eight your training here will put you over the top." The handler said flattering us.

  " if things work out for you two here, you two could potentially make a fine successors." The handler said as we walked inside. "I'd like to discuss the logistics of my family's safety at your earliest convenience.  As well as this body replacement." Five said so eloquently. "Such chutzpah. It's refreshing I'll admit. Slow down five all in good time. And Eight you'll be training privately with me and a trainer." The handler said looking at me. "If we could get started as soon as possible that'd be fine." I replied.

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  As we left five in the case room the handler brought me to get started training but before I left I looked back at five and he nodded to me, telling everything would work out.

We got to the the training facility and I looked around "now before we start these old schoolgirl clothes won't cut it." The handler said pointing to my outfit. And walking me over to a a set of lockers. "#367 is your and you will find clothes in there. Over there is the changing rooms and I'll meet you out here when your done." The handler said walking over to some one saying something.

  I grabbed the clothes from my locker and walked over  to a room. I took off my uniform realising how dirty it actually was, since it was ripped and covered in blood and some dirt.

I walked out to the mat with the handler and 5 men in black suits surrounded me in a circle. " ok, I want you to escape them using your powers. And don't worry there a hologram so they won't be hurt. "

I walked up to the first guy and said " I heard a rumour that you killed your friends." And turned to the next guy as I grew tentacles and took care of two more men. I jumped behind d the last guy and focused on the sound around me as I snapped his neck with my mind. As I gasped "wait I didn't mean to do that. I didn't even know I could do that" I stuttered as the handler walked over to me. "Like I said Eight your not reaching your full potential, but here you can. This is one of your sister Vanya's powers." The handler said right before the bell rang for lunch. "I'll tell you what meet me in my office for lunch. I left some clothes in your locker get ready and meet me." She said as she walked away.

  I walked over to my locker and grabbed the black lined dress and red heels and went to the changing room I had been in earlier to change. When I was done I started walking to her office.

As I was walking up the hallway I saw five in front of me. "Five hold on." I said running up to him. "It's lunch we're are you going?" I asked him. "I'm having lunch with the handler." "Oh that's were I'm going to, but five I need to talk to you and it's urgent." I told him he looked at me and nodded.

  He grabbed my hand and looked around before dragging me into an empty room. "what is it?" He asked locking the door. " the handler was in the training room with me and had me take down some guys." I said looking at five but he was waiting for me to get to the point. "Five I snapped a guys neck with my mind." I told him with a worried look on my face. " what?!" He said letting go of my hand and grabbing my shoulder. " five my power is mimicking others powers. But nobody has this power.... Except Vanya." I told him. As his facial expression widened. "Y/n we'll talk about this later ok." He promised me.

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"And that's how Phil determined that the archduke just had to go. " The handler asked laughing "care for desert?" She asked me and five. " I had a bad Twinkie in the apocalypse once. It kinda put me off deserts. " five said. "Please indulge me." The handler said as five and I looked at each other. We each took a piece of cans from the bowl the handler pushed toward us.

we ate the candy as the handler watched and asked "what's that taste like to you?" She asked gesturing to us. "The 1950s?" We said in unison as we looked at each other. " precisely right. Our clever metaphysics division concocted a way to perfectly distill an entire decade into a single candy. This ones modelled after the fudge mutt, America's favourite in 1955." The handler said with amazement in her eyes. "Remarkable." Five said as I said "impressive." At the same time.

  You'll be happy to know it's the very division that's building your new body." She said as I looked at five. "Ooh that reminds me. I have something for you two. " the handler said as a women walked in with 2 boxes and me and five exchanged looks.

  The woman sat the 2 boxes. On the desk. One in front of me and one in front of five. " go ahead open them." She told us.. in five's box was a suit that was far to big for hi and in mine was a red dress. "Won't it be nice she. You can actually wear it? Very soon. I assure you. " She said softly looking at five. "Thank you." I said looking up to her.

  " it's a very kind gift." He replied as we closed the boxes.

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