Chapter 5

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The bell rang for dinner time. We headed to the dining hall and started to eat in silence. I was playing with my food when Five slammed his knife into the table and stood up "number five?" Our father asked. " I have a question." He said with a smirk. "Knowledge is an admirable goal. But you know the rules, no talking during mealtimes . Your interrupting herr Carlson." Father said without even looking up.

  I looked at five and shook my head warning him not to go further, but of course he didn't listen. "I want to time travel." He said. " no " father replied plainly.     

"But I'm ready." He replied getting mad. "I have been practicing my spacial jumps just like you said." five said as he blinked next to father to prove his point "see." He said in hopes to impress Reginald. " a spatial jump is trivial when compared to the unknowns of time travel. One is like sliding along the ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn." Reginald said as if that was supposed to fucking make sense.

"Well I don't get it." Five said calming down a little. "Hence the reason your not ready." Five looked at me and I shook my head vigorously but he didn't care. "I'm not afraid." He said turning back to. Reginald. "Fear isn't the issue. The effects it might have on your body, even your mind. Are far to unpredictable. Now I forbid you to talk about this anymore." He said putting his attention back to his food.

  Five ran out of the room, and I knew I shouldn't but I ran after him as father said " Number 5 Number 8 you haven't been excused. Come  back here." but we didn't listen.

I ran to five and begged him to come back " five come back he didn't mean it. I'm sure he'll forgive you, just come back!" I grabbed his wrist to stop him but he kept running. " Five!" I said as he blinked us two years into the future. " five take us back!" He jumped again but this time only into winter. And finally he stopped. I looked Around at our setting before running up to him." five, please don't go. You could die" he turned to me and kissed me.

 "Five." I said as I leaned my forehead against his 

 He let go and looked at me with a smirk

He turned around and ran

" not ready my ass!"

" five! Stop"

 " Five I love you"

  "Please come back with me."

  I didn't say it in time, I jumped back to the present but he didnt. I knew if I didn't go back I would be in trouble.

But what I didn't know is that he would be gone for 17 years.

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