Chapter 4

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We pulled up to an apartment complex that looked vaguely familiar. When five spacial jumped us in an elevator. "Five we're are we?"
" I have to tell you and Vanya something so I'm telling you together." He said as the elevator stopped and opened at the 5th floor.

  We entered Vanya's apartment, and I looked around before spacial jumping to five at the bookshelf. I scanned the spines until I stopped at her book and took it off the shelf, he looked and took it out of my hand and started reading it. " have you read it?" He asked looking at me. " ya she... she sent me a copy." I said taking it from him and reading the first page." have you read it?" I said looking at him. " .......yeah" he told me putting his hands in his pockets. He looked out the window looking at the parking lot. There was a silence, but it wasn't an awkward moment like in the car. It was comfortable. " in the chapter about you...." He said.

  "Was it true?" He asked me looking down at me. I looked back up at him as my heart started to beat faster. " is what true?" I asked him. She said a lot of Things about everyone in the book. including how it was hard for me when five left. I almost couldn't read it. " there was one sentence that floated around in my head for a long time after I read it....." he told me. " she wrote 4 pages about me, there was about 300. You'll have to be a little bit more specific." I told him chuckling a little at the end looking down. " it said something like, y/n shut everyone out when five disappeared. Like she shut off her feelings. Like she was brokenhearted. So is it true?" He asked me.

  " I.. I... I don't know...I mean.... I don't think she's lying but I don't know how I feel anymore.." I told him. There was another silence but it was awkward again. " I never forgot the day I left" he said looking away. " I didn't either" I said looking at him with a sigh. " but there was one part I remember very specifically." He told me looking back at me. "Yeah....... What part? The one where  you left me crying on the sidewalk?" I said a little to coldly. " no the one we're we kissed and you told me you loved me." He told me causing me to smile at the memory. " ya I remember." I said.

  I told him looking down again. " I remembered it for 45 years..... and never forgot it." Walking over to " me . " so I've got to know.....did you mean it?" He asked me with glossy eyes. " yeah...... I did" I told him sadly. "You should know me better than that..... I don't say something if I don't mean it." I told him looking at his gorgeous green eyes.

He walked over to the couch and I got up to look out the window. The moment had passed and I don't know if I was relieved or sad. Vanya walked in and five turned on the light.

"Jesus." She yelled as I turned around to look at her. "You should have locks on your windows." Five said to her. "I live on the second floor." Vanya replied putting her stuff down. "Rapists can climb." Five said. I rolled my eyes. "You are so weird." Vanya told him as she closed the door. "Is that blood?" Vanya asked looking concerned. "It's nothing." He said. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. He ignored it.

"Ive decided you two are the only ones I can trust." He said as I sat down. "Why me?" Vanya said confused. "Because your ordinary." Five said plainly. I looked at him like he was crazy. 

He did not just say that. 

"Because you'll listen." He said after seeing the look I gave him.

"Okay." Vanya said as she got up to go get stuff from the medicine cabinet. "When I jumped forward and got stuck in the future. Do you know what I found?"he said looking at me and Vanya. "No." We said in unison.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. As far as I could tell I was the last person left alive. I never figured out what killed the human race, but... I did find something else. The date it happens. The world ends in eight days. And I have no idea how to stop it." He said. I looked at five in shock. "I'll put on a pot of coffee." Vanya said getting up.

Hi guys!

I know I haven't posted in a while and I'm sorry I had Covid. But I hope you like this chapter. I worked hard on it.

Anyway don't forget to vote!

Word count: 807

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