Chapter 21

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  I woke up in a hospital bed surrounded by equipment. After spending 17 years I. One I hated the feel lot it. I tried to sit up. I had an IV in my arm and cuts all along my lip and cheek. And my head hurt like hell. I had a breathing tube hooked up to me but I ripped it out and the IV out of my arm and got up.

  I walked out of the room and into the foyer. I heard five and klaus at the top of the stairs and they noticed me. "You look like shit." Five pointed out. "Thanks." I said sarcastically as I walked up the stairs to them.

  "Aren't you supposed to be resting?" Five asked ."well after spending 17 years on a hospital bed it's not exactly a place I like to stay in anymore." I said looking at him. "No sign of Vanya in any of the rooms." Diego said walking up to us. " wait you guys don't know where she is?" I asked "no." Diego replied.

  "What exactly a happened with Vanya?" Five asked. "Vanya... she-she hurt Allison and.... That's all I remember. But what I do know is that my head hurts like hell. " I said  "Well I'm out." Diego said turning to leave. " wait what?" I asked "where are you going?" Five asked.

  "Vanya's still out there and so are hazel and cha-cha." Five said. " I know, I'm gonna get my things and then I'm outta here. I got some unfinished business with those fools." Diego said leaving.

  "Hey did dad say anything about the apocalypse when you spoke to him?" Five asked "wait you spoke to dad?" I asked klaus "yes I conjured him up yesterday while you were almost murdered by our dear old sister." Klaus said looking at me. I rolled my eyes. "It wasn't her fault. She's scared and out there alone, Leonard manipulated her!" I said defending her. "No, nothing truly terrific shave though." Klaus said ignoring me and turning to five.

  "Jeez." Five said walking down the stairs. "You know come to think of it. He did mention something about my potential and how I barely even scratched the surface of my—" klaus said. As. We followed five down the stairs.

  "How did he know about the apocalypse?" Five said ignoring klaus. "I don't know but listen. This whole jumping through time thing of yours how did you two do it?" Klaus asked looking at me and five. " hey don't look at me I'm not the idiot who did it and then couldn't get back for 45 years." I said pointing to five.

  "I didn't." Five said ignoring me "you'd realize that if you were actually sober." He said "hey I am sober. I've been sober for almost two days now. " Klaus defended. "Yeah two days." Five said. "Feels like 45 years." Klaus muttered. "Who are you kidding klaus? I've seen you fidgeting all day." Five said turning to klaus.

  "Well I guess we're all fighting our addictions then." Klaus said walking closer to five as I looked at the floor. "I'm not an addict." Five defended. "Yeah you are. Your addicted to a drug called to the apocalypse." Klaus said and I laughed. "And y/n your addicted to five. You guys can't spend 2 minutes apart. when you were apart each time she's almost died." Klaus said turning to me as I stopped laughing and looked up.

  " excuse me?" I said threatening klaus. "Your wrong." Five told klaus. "First sign, denial." Klaus replied. "I'm going back to my room." I said trying to jump away. But I only jumped a few feet away and I grabbed my side in pain. "Ow!" I screamed. As I fell. Five rushed to me and helped me up. "I'm fine." I said "your not fine." Five replied. "Fine I'll go back to the stupid bed." I said walking away.

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