Chapter 12

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  I woke up to see five sitting up beside me talking to Luther. I got up and but as soon as I did I fell down "shit! My head!" I said getting back on the bed and sitting next to five. " this...apocalypse." Luther started. "Well I can't give you the exact hour, but... from what I could gather we have four days left." Five said placing his hand on my thigh. I looked down at his hand and so did Luther but five kept looking straight at Luther.

  " why didn't you say something sooner?" Luther said I looked at him in disbelief. " because your all a bunch of assholes who won't listen. Luther flipped me off. " I said as five chuckled a little. " it wouldn't have mattered" five said softly.

  "Of course it would. We could've banded together and helped you try to stop this thing." Luther said "Luther we're not kids anymore who stop robbers from breaking into banks. That was a fantasy." I said as I scoffed. " for the record you already tried." Five said looking at me then at Luther. " y/n you only hated missions because their the reason you got stuck at that age in the first place!"Luther said as the room went silent

"At least I'm not the one with the serious daddy issues." I told him.

  I walked to the other side of the room and leaned on a wall. I  looked down at the floor. "Have you even told five? huh" Luther said as I looked up "Luther don't you dare." I warned him.

  "Tell me what?" Five said intrigued. "Oh she didn't tell you. She had the accident on her last mission happen because of you five! " Luther yelled. "Luther!" I screamed at him uncrossing my arms and stepping forward.

  "Y/n what is he talking about?" Five said confused. "I...I." I stuttered looking at five. "I don't want to talk about it! It doesn't matter."

"Oh so you almost dying doesn't even matter. Ok." Luther said looking at me. And five's facial expression was shocked. " can we talk about this later." I said trying not to look at five.

" and what do you mean five?" Luther said looking back at him. I stared at the floor. " I found all of you." Five said quietly but enough so that we heard him.

  "Your bodies." Five said looking up at me. I looked at him. " we die?" Luther said stupidly. "Horribly." Five said and I went to sit down next to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

  Luther looked surprised trying to comprehend what five was saying. " you were together, trying to stop whoever it was that ends the world." Five said as I lifted my head and looked at him. "Wait how do you know that?" Luther asked him. Five pulled out the eye he had been carrying. " this was clutched in your dead hand when I found you." Five said tossing it to Luther. "Must've ripped it out of their head right before you went down." Five said

  "Whose head?" Luther asked confused. "Like I said I don't know." Five said looking at me. " so what we've been doing the past 4 days was to try to find out whose eye that was, so we...... could stop the .... Apocalypse." I said finally realising what had happened. "Well there's a serial number on the back. Think maybe you could try that. " Luther said.

  " No, that's a dead end. huh it's just another hunk of glass." Five said looking at Luther as he handed the eye back. Diego came barging in "piece of shit. Do you have any idea what you just did." Diego said angrily marching towards five and I, but Luther held him back. "Nope, let me—- get your ape hands off of me!" Diego said. As five stepped in front of me. "I can do this as long as it takes you to calm down." Luther said.

  "Fine" Diego said as Luther put him down. "What the hell are you talking about Diego?!" I said looking at him as I stepped next next to five.

  " our siblings have been pretty busy since they got back." Diego said looking at me and five. "They were in the middle of that shootout at griddy's, and then the gimbel brothers, after the guys in masks attacked the academy, looking for them." Diego said pointing at us. "None of which is any of your concern." Five said getting defensive. "It is now. They just killed my friend." Diego said panting.

  Luther turned around to look at us. "Who are they five." Luther asked as we all turned to look at five. "They work for my former employer. A women called The Handler. she sent them, to stop me. And then as soon as Diego's friend got in their way. Well, fair game." Five said plainly. " And now they're my fare fair game. And I'm going to see to it that they pay." Diego said walking away

   "that would be a mistake, Diego." Five said louder. " oh please you would do the same thing if it was y/n." Diego said annoyed. Five and I looked at each other and then back at Diego.

  "They've killed far more dangerous people than you." Five told Diego. " yeah, we'll see about that." Diego said as he slammed the door. "Former employer? What's this really about five? And don't give me any of this "it's none of your business" crap, all right?" Luther said indicating that he's had enough. " well it's a long story." I stood I walked in front of five "well we're listening, because I would like to know before they kill anyone else." I said crossing my arms.

            Five told us the story.

  " were a hitman?" Luther asked "yes." Five said looking at Luther. "Uh... I mean, you had a code, right? You didn't kill just anybody." Luther asked as he sat down and so did five, but I just walked over to the wall and started leaning on it again.

  "No code, we took out anyone who messed with the timeline." Five said simply looking at me, as I gave him a pained look. "What about innocent people?" Luther asked hoping the answer was no. " it was the only way I could get back here." Five said still looking at me but I looked away.

  "So what you just killed them no matter what? Did you even care that you killed innocent people." I said coldly looking back at five. But he didn't say anything back. " but that's murder." Luther said shocked. "Jesus, Luther grow up." Five said looking at Luther. "We're not kids anymore. There's no such thing as good guys or bad guys. There's just people going about their lives. But when the world ends, all those people die, including our family." Five said looking at me.

  And I remembered back to what he said about finding all of our bodies. I can't imagine telling him I love him and then seeing his dead body. I said to myself remembering when he left.

  "Time changes everything." He said sighing.

Hi guys! Hope your enjoying the story! I'll get the next part up soon.

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