Chapter 8

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klaus stumbles out of the wardrobe " that's so....... Touching, all that stuff about family and dad and time. Wow" klaus said like an idiot. "Would you shut up? She'll hear you." Five said annoyed. "I'm moist" klaus said as I choked at the word. They looked at me "Oh don't mine me I'm not the one who's acting like a complete idiot." I said shrugging my shoulders and pointing to klaus. " I thought I told you to put on something professional." Five said gesturing toward klaus. " what? This is my nicest outfit" klaus said a little offended as five sighed. " there's nothing nice about it klaus." I said rolling my eyes.

" well raid the old mans closet." Five said turning to go as klaus and I followed. " as long as I get paid." He said and I rolled my eyes. "When the job is done. Five said walking away. " okay but just so we're clear on the finer details, I just gotta go into this place and pretend to be your dear old dad, correct?" Klaus said as we stopped. "Ya something like that" I said looking at him. " he looked back at me" what's our cover story?" Five looked At him a little annoyed. " what? What are you talking about?" Klaus continued " I mean was I really young when I had you guys like, 16? Like young and... terribly misguided" klaus said as he put his hands on his heart and I rolled my eyes. "Sure" five said just wanting to go already. I looked back i at klaus " your mother. That slut! Whoever she was. We met at...the disco" klaus said as he chuckled. " okay remember that." He said snapping his fingers.

" oh my god the sex was Amazingggggg." He said as I looked at him in disgust. " what a disturbing glimpse into that thing you call a brain." Five said walking away. "Don't make me put you in timeout." Klaus said pointing at him. "Klaus we're not little kids." I said rolling my eyes. Klaus stopped in his trails and I tapped five's shoulder and we stopped to turn and look at him. " wait." He said. "What is your guys cover story??" He said pointing at us. I moved his finger out of my face "we'll say we're siblings" five said as I looked at him. " uh I don't think that will work." Klaus said as we looked at him

" why not?" I said. " have you seen the way you two look at each other. Nobody will believe that." He said as tme and five looked at each other and then the floor. There became an awkward silence.

" Well just say your dating. I mean it's definitely believable." klaus said breaking the silence. I rolled my eyes and walked away.

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" like I told your son and daughter." He started. "Girlfriend." Klaus corrected and I stomped on his foot. "Like I told your son and his Girlfriend earlier, any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential. Without the clients consent i simply can't help you." The Doctor said annoyed.

" well we can't get consent if you don't give us a name." Five said standing up from his chair. " well that's not my problem. Sorry now there really nothing more I can do so—" The employee said bluntly as klaus cut him off.

" And what about my consent?" Klaus said as we all turned to him in confusion. " excuse me" the Doctor asked confused. "Who gave you lay your hands...on my son and his girlfriend?" Klaus continued as five and I looked at each other then back to klaus. "What?" We all said in unison. " you heard me." Klaus said plainly. " I didn't touch your kids." The man said confused.

" oh really? Well then how did he get That swollen lip, huh" klaus said standing up. As klaus punches five's mouth and his face f ell to the side. And I gasped leaning down to help five. " and how did she get that bruised cheekbone?" Klaus said looking at me. Five gave klaus a death stare but he didn't listen and punched me. " ow!! What the fuck!" I screamed. " I want it. Name, please. Now" klaus said turning back to the man.

He pointed at klaus and said " your crazy" but I could tell he was a terrified because his voice was shaky. " klaus laughed " you got no idea." He said as he lifted up a snow globe " peace on earth. That's so sweet." Klaus said right before smashing it against his forehead causing it to shatter and give him a cut. Klaus yelled.

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