Chapter 16

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I was walking down the hallway about to go back to the training facility when five grabbed my and pulled me next to him along the wall. I almost tripped though in the heels. As he hid behind the wall.

"Five what—" I started but he covered my mouth with his hand. I grabbed His hand and took it off my mouth in protest, but five only turned to me and put his fingers to his lips.

He turned back to wall and down the hallway as I heard dot say "Gloria, the Handler knows that five and y/n are up to something. Get this to Hazel and cha-cha immediately. As she handed a pneumonic tube to Gloria. Five grabbed my arm and jumped us behind Gloria and knocked her out.

I dragged Gloria behind her desk as five read the note and started editing it. And printed off a second note. Five slipped them In cases and handed me one as I pushed it down the tube and five pushed the other one.

And then I heard a voice behind us "you know that's not how we do things here." The handler said as I looked but bad stepped sideways next to five.

"Where's Gloria?" she asked "don't know couldn't find her anywhere." Five said grabbing my hand and stepping closer to me. As Gloria groaned from behind her desk. "You two are are such a disappointment to me. You can't change what's to come five. " She said. " I truly find it so odd that you can't shed this fantasy. Your a first-rate pragmatist. You belong here with us." She said "I don't belong anywhere thanks to you. You made me a killer." Five said raising his voice and squeezing my hand.

"You we're always a killer. I just pointed you in a direction. And y/n I showed you powers you didn't even know you had." She said grabbing her gun, she took a shot but before it hit us five jumped behind the tubes.

"Is this really how you want the last line of your report to read?" She said as we appeared in front of her.

"When I'm done I'm just done I guess." He said still holding my hand. "You can't keep this up five be both know that even you have a limit." She said. "He might, but I don't!" I said as I grabbed a tube and threw it at her.

"I saved you from a lifetime of being alone." She remarked ducking the tube. "No you didn't I did that myself." He said looking at me. "You owe me." She said causing us to look back at her. She tried to take a shot but her gun was empty. " I do owe a debt," he said as he jumped behind her.

"But it's not to you." He said tightening his tie. She turned around and when she did I jumped next to five and he handed me a grenade . My eyes turned bright red as I took the clip off the Grenade and threw it at her."shit!" She said at she looked down at it. I ran as fast as I could but I didn't make it before the blast threw me forward. "Ow!" I screamed clutching my arm as it got singed.

Five grabbed my waist and pulled me against him, shielding me from the blast.

 Five jumped and came back with a briefcase and helped me up. And we jumped into the living room and fell on the bar.

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