Chapter 7

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We were walking into meritechs office and waited the elevators . One of the employees noticed us and stopped. " uh, can I help you?" He said staring at us. Five and I turned around.

five walked up to the man as I followed behind him. " i need to know who this belongs to." He said holding up a prosthetic eye that I had never seen before. " were did you get that?" The man said looking confused. "What do you care" five said annoyed. " i.... I found it... at a playground, actually. Uh, must have just...popped out" he lied as he clicked his tongue. I tried not to laugh. The man smiled. " I want to return it to its rightful owner." Five said " oh... what a thoughtful young man." The lady at the desk smiled. I glared at her." Ya look up the name for me will ya." Five said to her with a smirk.

The lady frowned. " uh, I'm sorry, but patient records are strictly confidential. That means I can't tell you—" The man said frowning at five as he was cut off. " ya I know what it means." Five said annoyed looking back at him. "But I will tell you what I can do. I will take the eye off your hands and return it to the owner. I'm sure he or she will be very grateful so if I can just—" the man said. "Ya your not touching this eye." Five said.

"Now you listen here, young man—" the doctor started. "No you listen to me asshole." Five said grabbing this collar.

" I've come a long way for This, through some shit your pea brain couldn't even comprehend,so just give us the information we need, and we'll be on our merry way." Five said. "And if you call me young man one more time. I'm gonna put your head through that damn wall."

"Oh dear." The desk lady said. "Call security." He said hoarsely. "I heard a rumour that you put down the phone." I told her. Five shoved the man off. And we walked away.

"You got a plan B?" I asked him. "Ya." Five said looking to me. "Well? What is it?" I asked not wanting to play games.


"Oh that's great! We're screwed."

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