Chapter 22

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  As the explosions started I got up running out of my room to see what was going on. "We need to get outside the academy we're it's safe ms.y/n" pogo said as he ran into the other room. I coughed from All the dust and debris falling as I made my way to the door and saw klaus,Ben,and Diego. "Klaus!" I yelled running as fast as I could to him. As the building collapsed. And I ran to find pogo. "Pogo!" I yelled "Allison? Luther? Vanya? Five?" I screamed. 

  "What about pogo?" Diego asked Klaus as Allison and Luther came up to us. "What." Klaus and I said at the same time. " Vanya killed him." Luther said coldly. "But Vanya wouldn't." Diego said "no I saw it." Luther said. "Just before we got out." Luther finished. I started crying "Mom, now pogo." Diego said sadly.

  Five walked up beside me. "Guys. This is it. The apocalypse is still on. The world ends today." Five said " what?" I said shocked. "I thought you said it was over." Luther replied. "I was wrong okay. This newspaper, I round It in the future the day I got stuck. The headline hasn't changed." Five said.

  "No that doesn't mean anything.the time could've been altered since that newspaper came out this morning." Diego said in denial. " your not listening to me. When I found it I assumed this place came down along with everything else. But here wears the moon is still shining the earth is in one piece. But not the academy." Five said. "I'm confused." Klaus said taking the newspaper form five. "Then listen to me you idiot. Vanya destroys the academy before the apocalypse. I thought Harold Jenkins was the cause but he's the fuse  Vanya's the bomb." Five said

  Helicopters whirred over us. "W shave to find her." Luther said. "We gotta go now!" Diego yelled. "Regroup at the super star. Go!" Luther said as five grabbed my hand and jumped.


" look I hate to be the one to say this but everyone needs to prepare." Luther said " for what?" Diego asked. " to do whatever it takes to stop Vanya." Luther said as Allison hit his and I punched him. "I- we may not have a choice guys." Luther said. " bullshit!" I yelled.

  " there's always options."Diego said agreeing with me and Allison. "Yeah, like what?" Five asked. "I don't know." I Diego said. " we need to talk to her." I told five. "Oh I think we're past the Point of talking." He said looking at me.

  "Look whatever we decide we need to find Vanya. And fast ok she could be anywhere." Luther said standing up. "Or here." Klaus said shaking the newspaper as we all gathered around it. "That's right her concert is tonight." Diego said as one of the employees came up to us.

  "Hello. I hate to intrude but my manager says if your not gonna bowl, you gotta leave." She said as the manager slammed shoes down on the counter looking at us. "Who's turn is it?" Diego asked.

  Luther got up and grabbed a bowling ball and threw it across two lanes getting a strike as Allison wrote (she's our sister.) on her notepad. " we're the only ones capable of stopping this. We have a responsibility to dad." Luther told her. "We don't owe him anything!" I yelled as I have had enough. "To dad? No I've heard enough about—" Diego started "he sacrificed everything to bring us back together." Luther said as I rolled my eyes.

"Daddy issues much?" I muttered to myself. "What was that?" Luther asked me. "Nothing ape man." I said with s smile.

  "I'm with Luther on this one. We can't give her a chance to fight back. " Five said as I glared at him. "She's our sister!" I told him upset. "There are billions of lives at stake. We're past trying to save just one." Five told me.

  " hey you know guys, uh maybe I could help." Klaus said as I looked at him confused. "Now is not the time." Luther told him. "No let him finish. He saved my life today." Diego said. "Uh Diego klaus didn't-." I started as he looked at me confused.

  "Really?" Ben asked looking at klaus then me. "Is that true?" Luther asked. "Yeah yeah I did.... Take credit for it but in fact the real hero was Ben." "It's true." I told them looking down and leaning against the counter.

  "Today.... Listen he punched me in the face. And earlier at the house he was the one who saved Diego's life. Not me." Klaus said walking over to Diego.

  "You are unbelievable, klaus." Luther said.

  "You want proof is that it? All right I'll give you proof. All right it's showtime baby." Klaus said throwing a bowling ball at Ben, but it fell right threw him."is there any way to silence that voice in your head. That screams out to be the center of attention." Luther asked "oh that's real funny coming from you ,number one!" I said looking at him. "You know I liked you a lot better before you got laid." Klaus said.

  As all of our faces were shocked. " which was a complete..... it— it wasn't his fault cause he was ridiculously high right?" Klaus said defending Luther to Allison. "And —- and the girl she thought he was a furry..." klaus said. "Stop!" Luther told klaus.

  "Okay." Klaus said. As Allison walked away. "Allison wait." Luther said as he followed her. "Excuse me excuse me, it's my son kennys birthday today, and uh wouldn't your kids be happier playing with kids their own age?" A lady asked walking up to us as I sat down next to five.

  " assuming it's okay with your two dads?" She said pointing to Diego and klaus and then looking back at me and five. "I would rather chew off my own foot." Five said to the lady. "And what about your daughter?" She asked looking at me.

  "Get lost lady." I told her. "Come on let's go Kenny." She said walking away. Five got up and grabbed my wrist dragging me behind him over to a ball return. Five opened a secret hiding place and pulled the tube out of it. "How the hell did she find us?" He asked himself. Five pulled the candy out of his pocket and open dee it. Only it wasn't candy it was a tracker.

  He dropped it on the ground and crushed it with his shoe as I asked "what do you think she wants?" I looked at him. He opened the tube and took the cookie out. He dropped the tube on the ball return. He opened the cookie and read the fortune. "Time marches on.... Or does it? Rain quail, room 12." It had written on it.

  Five chuckled and jumped away. "Seriously ?!"
I said.

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