Chapter 6

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"I survived on scraps. Canned food, cockroaches, anything I could find." He said with a slight chuckle at the end. "You know that rumour that Twinkie's have an endless shelf life?" He asked looking to me and Vanya. " well it's total bullshit." He said drinking his coffee. "I can't even imagine." Vanya said. I tried to wrap my head around the fact that everything was destroyed and that we were all going to be dead in 8 days.

I was pulled back to reality when five said "you got anything stronger?" And Vanya got up to get some liquor. Vanya was looking at five trying to figure something out. "You think I'm crazy." He said getting upset.

"No it's just... it's a lot to take in" she quickly replied. "Yeah no shit." I said looking up at them. " exactly what don't you understand?" Five asked still clearly annoyed. "Why didn't you just time travel back?" Vanya asks upsetting five even more. Woman he just fucking told us he got stranded! " Gee wish I thought of that." Five said scoffing.

"Time travel is a crapshoot. I went into the ice and never Acorn-ed. You think I didn't try everything to get back to my family?" Five said looking to Vanya then me. What the fuck is he giving me that look for? I looked at him confused but also with a look of sympathy.

"If you grew old there, you know, in the apocalypse, how come you still look like a kid?" Vanya asked. "I told you already. I must have gotten the equations wrong." Five said pouring himself another glass. "I mean dad always used to say that... time travel could mess up your mind." Vanya said. "Oh well maybe that's why he's so fucking annoying." I said smirking and looking from Vanya to five. "Well maybe that's what's happening?" Vanya asked and five glared at me. "This was a mistake your to young... to naive to understand." Five said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the door. "No five.... Five, y/n  wait. I haven't seen either of you in a long time and I don't want to loose you again. That's all." Vanya said.

Five and I exchanged a look "you know what it's getting late. And I have lessons early, and I need to sleep and I'm sure you to need to as well." Vanya said grabbing a blanket.

"We'll talk in the morning again ok? I promise. Night." She said as she headed to bed.

I went over and sat on the couch with my knees up to my arms as I sat and thought. 8 days. 8 fucking days.

At some point I fell asleep and five woke me up. "Eight! Eight! Y/n we have to go before Vanya gets up come on."

"What the fuck are you talking about let me sleep asshole." I said shoeing him away. "No get up we have to go." He said pulling me off the couch and onto the floor. "Fuck you." I said finally getting up.

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