Chapter 9

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We in front of a store called the gimbel brothers. Five jumped in and I followed after him. He started walking to the women's section and grabbed a flashlight. " five what are you doing?" I asked him confused but he ignored me.  And walked over to a group of mannequins. He stopped and shined his flashlight at one and walked over to it. "Delores" he simply said and I looked at him confused. "It's good to see you." He said as if I wasn't even there. " I've missed you.....obviously." " well it's been a rough couple of days" he said looking at me and I Looked at him trying hard not to laugh. "What?" He asked seeing my red face. "Five that's a fucking mannequin." I said laughing.

  Then these people in black suits and creepy kids masked walked in. "No!" Five said as he pushed me down. And they started firing machine guns. As the mannequins started to fall on us. Five jumped us behind a rack of clothes and checked me for any inquiries, they had grazed my arm. I grabbed a shirt and tore it up to wrap around my arm "oh shit! It's them." Five said as I finished wrapping my arm. " who?!" I said looking at him then checking behind us and surely they were still there shooting anything in sight.

  Five grabbed my other arm and ran behind the display of mannequins as he dragged me behind him. We ducked down and he grabbed Delores. He dragged me behind a clothing rack. " I'll be right back for you." He said looking at me. Then laying Delores down. But I didn't listen and got up to run behind him. As we got shot at again.

  He spacial jumped away leaving me. I searched for a weapon but the closet thing I found was a set of kitchen knives and started throwing knives and hit both shooters dead on. One if the arm, and one in the shoulder. I spacial jumped to five

  "What the fuck! I told you to stay." He said looking behind us. "Oh please like I'd ever listen to you." I said ducking. I grabbed his hand and jumped us behind the behind the counter. They continued shooting as five grabbed a knife. And jumped behind one of the  assassin's Cutting her in the neck and she dropped her gun. He jumped behind clothes again running. I turned and grabbed the gun they dropped

  " hey asshole." I said as they turned around. And I shot them and jumped away leaving the gun. I spacial jumped next to five as he grabbed Delores. " really we're taking the mannequin." I said rolling my eyes. But he ignored me and stuffed it into a bag and we started running. Five tried to jump but he couldn't and turned as he groaned.  "Shit! come on." He said

  We ran behind the counter. And heard the police sirens. Five grabbed Delores and I grabbed his hand and jumped us out of there.

  We were walking up the stairs and ran into Luther and Allison. " five? Y/n  What the hell happened to you?" Allison said concerned. " are you okay? Can we help?" Luther said going to put his hand on five's shoulder when he grabbed it. "There's nothing you can do... there's nothing any of you can do." Five said softly.

  he looked at me and put Luther's hand down. I looked away.

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