Chapter 24

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Allison walked up behind her as five and I took each others hand. Allison held a gun that her head but Vanya didn't notice. Allison moved the gun next to Vanya's ear and set it off, causing her to drop us. They all ran over to Vanya  as she fell. I got up clutching my side and coughing. I was still injured and being drained of life doesn't exactly help. I got up and walked over to vanya.

  "Is she alive?" Luther asked. " yeah." I said. "Oh thank god." Klaus said. "We did it we saved the world." Luther said as Allison gripped Vanya and started crying. "Oh man." Klaus said getting up and looking at the sky.

  "Uhhh... guys. You see that big moon rock coming towards us?" Klaus asked pointing to the asteroid coming towards us. "That's not good." Luther said. "So this is it huh? So much for saving the world." Klaus said looking down. "If only sir Reginald could see us right now huh? The umbrella academy. A total failure." Diego said. "At least we're together at the end. As a family." Luther said. "This doesn't have to be the end." Five said and everyone turned to him.

  "What? What are you saying five?" Luther asked.  " I have a way out of here but you gotta trust me on this." Five said. "Yeah I don't think so." Luther replied. "No." Diego said. "Well then we might as well accept our fate, because in less than a minute we're gonna be vaporised." He said looking at us.

  "What's your idea, then?" Diego asked. " we us our ability to time travel. but this time I take you with me." Five said pointing to me. "You can do that?" Diego asked impressed. "I don't know I've never tried it before. But it will probably work if y/n uses her power to." "I don't know five." I Said looking at him. " what's the worst that can happen?" Diego asked me. "Your looking at it. A 58 year old man inside a child's body, so there's that." Five said.

  " oh what the hell I'm in." Diego said. " yeah whatever I'm in." Klaus said. Everybody shook their heads.  " ok great Luther grab Vanya." Five said. " wait should we be taking her with us? I mean if she's the cause then isn't that like taking the bomb with us?" Luther asked picking Vanya up.

  " the apocalypse will always happen. And Vanya will always be the cause. Unless we take her with us and fix her." Five said as everyone held hands.

  Five and I concentrated as a blue temporal anomaly opened above us and everyone turned into their 14 year old bodies. "It's working!" Luther yelled. " hold on it's gonna get messy!" Five yelled. "Y/n" five screamed looking at me. "I love you!" Five screamed. "I love you to!" Was the last thing I said to five before we disappeared. Right before the fire consumed everything.

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