Chapter 11

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I woke up in the library to hear Diego and Luther in front of us " are they um..." Luther asked "drunk as a skunk" Diego continued.

We walked along a dark alleyway in a silence as I Diego carried me in his arms and Luther carried five in his. "Well, we can't go back to the house. It's not secure those psychopaths could come back at any moment. " Luther said stating the obvious. " my place is closer. No one will look for them there." Diego replied as five burped. "If you vomit on me.." Luther said looking down at five.

"You know what's funny?" Five said looking up. I looked over at him. "No five but I'm really hoping you'll tell us." I said sarcastically. "Shut up y/n." Five said as I smirked at him. "Aah! I'm going through puberty. Huh twice. And I... I drank that whole bottle didn't I? That's what you do when the world you love goes bye-bye. Poof it's gone." I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"So what are you guys talking about?" Five asked as if he wasn't there for the last 3 minutes. Luther sighed " two masked intruders attacked the academy last night." Luther said. " they came looking for you." Diego said looking down at me and behind him to five. "So I need you to focus, what do they want?" Diego asked "Hazel and cha..-cha.." five said drunkenly "who" Diego said looking behind him. "Two idiots in black suits and creepy stupid ass masks." I said babbling a little bit. "You know I hate code names Luther said looking at five.

"Ah the best of the best. Except for me of course." Five laughed, amusing himself. "Bullshit asshole." I said looking at five "I'm better than all of you I have all your powers remember dipshit." I said mad. "Stop flattering yourself y/n." Five said looking at me. I glared at him.

" the best of what?" Luther said. "Ya know, Delores always said she hated when I drink. She said it made me surly—." I looked at him annoyed "nobody gives a fuck five." I told him. " oh shut it y/n your just jealous."he retorted. " of a mannequin, please. " I said laughing. "Hey!" Diego said yelling.

"Ya know you to act like an old married couple." Luther said looking at me. " no we don't!" Five and I said in unison.

"I need you to focus." Diego said stopping and turning around. "Relax... we're focused 110% knife boy" I said slurring a little bit. "Well you throw knives to Eight." Five said to me. "So that would make you little ms.knife girl." He said laughing and looking away. "Ok schoolboy." I said laughing. " your the one in the skirt." Five said looking at me I rolled my eyes. "Shut up! assholes! What do this hazel and cha- cha want." Diego said angrily.

" We just want to protect you." Diego said looking at five and me. "Protect me... I don't need your protection, Diego. Do you have any idea how many people I've killed?" Five said as if Diego didn't know. "No." Diego replied. "I'm the four frickin horsemen. The apocalypse is coming. " five said as he vomited. "Gross!" I said looking away.

Luther and Diego laid five and me down together in Diego's bed. " funny if I didn't know he was such a prick, I'd say he looks almost adorable in his sleep." Diego said as I laughed.

"Don't worry they'll sober up eventually and be back to their annoying selfs. Five a prick and Eight an emotionless asshole." Luther said turning around. I flipped him off. "Yeah, I can't wait that long. I need to find out what his connection is with these lunatics before someone else dies." Diego said . " all that stuff he was saying bef..." Luther started as I fell asleep.

Hey guys! I know i have posted a lot today but I felt like I owed you guys. Plus who's complaining it's a good story. Anyway don't forget to vote and please read the story all the way through.

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