Chapter 24

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yayy new characterI'll call you Blue for now <3

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yayy new character
I'll call you Blue for now <3

TW: Blood, Death


(Technoblade POV)

I came a minute late. Shit. I seriously let my guard down in the wrong moment. Look I was held back because I was fighting George. Apparently he was an obstacle. Turns out he wasn't that bad of a fighter, but not good enough to fight me.

(TW: Blood)
Back to reality Y/N was bloody, tied to a chair while Tommy is taped to a wall, Im guessing forced to watch Y/N being tortured or some shit.
(TW end)
(Summary: It described how Y/N and Tommy were trapped, taped and tied to a chair)

(TW: Death
I was about to duel him when someone pushed me aside. I didn't know who she was but let's call her Blue, she was wearing blue anyways. Blue walked up to Dream and kicked him in the nuts, "WOMAN!" Tommy screamed. He started shouting compliments and some gibberish I didn't understand. She only chuckled and grabbed her sword. She put it right across his chest. She stabbed him. All Dream could do now was be helpless. Or so I thought.

He stood help weakly and the last thing he did was stab Y/N. In the stomach. "BITCH BE GONE!" Blue yelled, stabbing him once more. Tommy started laughing really hard before turning his attention to Y/N. Their head hung low and their eyes were barely open, trying to keep their promise to me to stay awake. I untied Y/N as Blue untaped Tommy and we ran out of that room. Gotta say that room smelled like shit.
(TW end)
(Summary: Blue showed up, killed Dream, Dream stabs Y/N, and they get out of that room)

(Blue if you read this ( ItzBlueberryLove ) aren't you Y/N too?)

(TW: Blood)
Y/N was losing blood. Like a lot. "Hey stop by the tree I found bandages" Blue says, pulling bandages from her pocket. "Thanks" I say.
(TW end)
(Summary: They stopped by a tree to bandage Y/N)

Blue went back to the place we were just in. "Woman where are you going?" Tommy asks her. "To kick his ass what else?" She says sarcastically. My respect for her went up. But I still gotta focus on Y/N.

I was bandaging Y/N when I heard them speak slightly. "I want to sleep." She mumbles in a raspy voice. "Y/N now is not the time to sleep!" Tommy yells. "Im sorry." They say before closing their eyes. "Y/N!" Tommy yells. "Tommy check their pulse." I say now finishing wrapping them in bandages. While Tommy checks their pulse I was looking for healing potions which I fortunately have. "It's still pumping, just very slow." Tommy says. He was shaking. I splash healing potions onto them, hoping something would happen. Nothing did. They didn't wake up, but their heart was still pumping as slow as ever.

Blue came back, except she had blood all over her. "Don't question but it was fun." She says putting her sword back. Blue looked at Y/N before gasping. "What the fuck happened?" She says. "She's alive don't worry." I say. "Why are you guys so damn calm they're on their last life hurry and bring them to Niki she's a nurse right?" She says grabbing one of her spare splash potions of healing and splashing it on Y/N. She was right. I picked up Y/N carefully, bridal style. We ran and ran back to L'manburg.

As we ran I was checking their pulse, I was worried as fuck. Their heart beat was slower than normal. Why'd they have to go through this?


We were at Niki's. She was doing her thing that I didn't understand. Look let's not be worried on that right now, I trust her. Niki came back to us crying. "They're alive but they wont wake up!" She says sobbing into her arm. I hate to admit it but I could feel myself crying. Tommy was full on crying a waterfall here. Blue shed a few tears before getting angry and mumbling to herself on and on about Dream or something.

Im sorry Y/N. I said I would save you.


I can't remember much but here I am, somewhere in clouds? Shit Im not dead right?

I could see 2 doors. Wait I remember this place. I've been here before but why does it look different? One of the doors gave me pain and the other just felt like I was in space, except I don't have a helmet. So basically to put it simple it felt like I was suffocating. I hated both doors. I could feel myself slowly being pushed towards both doors like a rocking chair. Back and forth, back and forth. I had to choose one of them, I wanted to live. But I had no clue which one was life and death. They looked the same.

I had to do something.

I started dancing, flaring, kicking, punching, anything. Suddenly I heard voices. Way to familiar. I swear I've heard them before. "They moved their arm!" One of them says. I punched the air again. "You're right they did it again! You're smart Woman" Another one says. I was being pulled closer to the door on the right as the voices kept on telling me to do whatever I did again. I knew it was that one. I walked through the door, it was a painful one.

I opened my eyes. It was bright. As soon as I woke up a pain in my torso area just hit me like a train. I wanted to scream but I knew it wasn't necessary. I looked around to see Technoblade crying. He was crying? I got up to hug him but I couldn't stand up, my body hurt too much to do so. All I could do now was sit up and open my arms for hugs. I smiled weakly at everyone as they gladly hugged me gently.

"Hey who are you?" I said to a girl wearing a bloody blue outfit. She smiled brightly. She said her name was Blueberry but she went by Blue. I was listening to her go on and on about how she kicked Dream's ass to avenge me. I laughed along with her.

"Hey Techno?"


"This is reality right?"


"It is."

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