All Legends Are True

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Jace and Clary looked into each other's eyes. Jace was desperate to know if she knew everything. He hesitated but said,

"Clary, do you remember me. Do you remember us."

"No I don't. I feel like I've known you for years but I haven't"

Disappointment took over his face. The moment he thought he got her back, he didn't.

"But I know I've seen you somewhere I know I have. I feel like we have a connection. A connection that has been missing for the past year."
Jace was touched by what she said. It was like Clary knew they were together but didn't know anything about it.

"Wait, your from my dream. Ever since I felt a connection I've had these dreams. Dreams that have showed a whole new world to me. A world where... where all legends are true."

Jace was happy. She knew that everything was true. Werewolves, warlocks, vampires, faeries. Everything
She heard of she believed was true. He was so happy he said,

"Every legend is true. All your dreams were true. Was anybody else in your dream."

"I don't remember a lot but the last thing I remembered was a wedding. We were there and other people I don't know. I had a best friend, I think but o don't even know him."

Jace's eyes lit up. He wondered if he remembered not only him but Simon, Luke, Isabelle, Alex and Magnus then she should be fine.

"What was his name."

"Simon. Simon Lewis, I think it was."

"You remember"

"Remember what exactly. Are you telling me everything I dreamed about was true."

"Clary, I can't say anything. If I do I could get in trouble and I could put your life in danger."

"But, if they were true I need to know. I need to know if all my dreams are what was real. I don't want people to keep lying to me Jace. This time last year, I stood in a dress, with tears crawling down my eyes. And I felt something so weird. I didn't know why I was crying or where I was. And it was like I lost something. Automatically I went to an apartment, that I've never seen before. I knocked on the door seeing someone I never saw before. And I talked to her and she knew things about me I don't remember telling her. Then I went into my room which I don't remember decorating and I fell asleep and the next morning I felt like I knew everything. I knew that I was living there, I knew that I went to Brooklyn Art Academy, I knew who my roommate was but something was still missing. Something didn't make sense. Then a boy came knocking on my door and started kissing me and I didn't know who the fuck he was. I was so confused. I don't want to be confused anymore Jace."

Jace looked shocked. He must of thought of something as I blurted out all my feelings and thoughts and memories. Then he said,

"You dated someone."

"Jace is that all you can think about right now. Like literally."

"Answer the question Clary."

"Yes I did for what a week in this strange life I had but I broke up with him when I started having dreams. The dreams about you."

"Did you sleep with him?"

"OH MY GOD! Jace get a grip of yourself. No I didn't but why does it matter? I just discovered something I shouldn't have known about and I am so confused. So tell me ace, why does it matter?"

"It matters because I never knew about it Clary. I followed you, I kept tabs on you everywhere you went for the past year. How else do you think I found you. If I knew you were in a relationship, I would have left you alone. I would have stopped tracking you and I would have moved on. But I couldn't when I didn't see you with a guy, I felt that you felt it was wrong, just like I feel when I tried to move on. So that is why it mattered Clary. THAT'S WHY!"

We stood in silence. I didn't know that he felt this way. I feel like its my fault. Its my fault that he feels like that. I don't want people to suffer because of me. I step closer to him and touch his face

"This is all my fault."

"No it's not..."

Before Jace could finish, a noise broke their eyes apart. It was like something dropped. Jace rapidly looked around the alley to see what it was. Nothing was in sight. He has to leave. But he couldn't leave Clary alone. 

"Clary I need your phone."

She gave him her phone and he quickly typed his number in. And gave it back to her.

"You need to go back inside. It's not safe back here. My number is saved on your contacts ring me if you want to talk. I'll see you soon"

"But, wait where...?"

Before she could finish what she was saying, Jace ran out of the alleyway. She looked stunned about what just happened. She wondered if she was in a dream or if the best thing in her life happened to her.

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