Saying Sorry

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Clary PoV

After Raziel left my family and the stranger worked with me to build on my case. After a while it was just me and my mum. I hugged her for a second but broke away. I felt bad that I ignored what she said to me but she said it herself when we all thought Jace was my brother: "your brother is destined to die.". I killed my brother because it was always his destiny at least that was what she said to me over again until she died. Until she was killed. I can't imagine how Alec could be feeling right now.  And on top of that Luke just married Maryse and he sees mom, he didn't get to say goodbye. None of us did. At least she found peace.

"Clary I'm sorry you lost a year of your life but I'm only hear to help you keep your old one. After that I'm not coming back. I need to go and make things right with Alec, Magnus and Luke and Jace and Maryse that I can't spend time with you."

"I know mom. I just love you. I never got to say it before so I'm saying it now."

"I love you too Clary."

She left the room to make amends with the others she hurt and the ones who hurt her. I laid down on my bed but I couldn't sleep. I went to find Simon and Izzy. They were in the office talking about Marvel movies. I knocked on the door and they greeted me. Simon debated about Captain America and Iron Man and asked,

"Hey, Clary who do you think is better, Captain America or Iron Man.?"

"Neither, I like Black Widow better than all of them. But if I did choose it would be Iron Man."

"Ha, Simon I told you she would say Iron Man. Parabatais' know everything about each other."

"Whatever Izzy, anyway Fray how was it with your mom?"

"Well I got the chance to say the goodbye I wanted to but we aren't here for a celebration Simon, she just wants to help me, apologise to people she hurt and leave and be with Johnathan."

"When you said apologising to people, who do you mean."

"Magnus, Jace, Luke, Maryse and Alec."

"Alec why Alec?"

"Izzy, don't worry she doesn't want to apologise but she wants to make sure that he doesn't blame himself anymore for what happened to her. It was never his fault but I think he has always felt that if he fought of the demon and killed it before, she wouldn't have died."

"He still feels that way."

"I don't know Izzy, but no matter what he still had us and if he wanted to talk he would of but maybe he just began to accept it."

I put my hand on her shoulder and smile at her, she smiles back but she still feels worried. Maybe I shouldn't have spoken. I should have kept it a secret.

Jocelyn's PoV

The first on my list is Jace. I couldn't believe I thought he was my son without even talking to him properly. I see him near the computers, I walk towards him,

"Jace" I say


"Can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Um, sure Ms Fray"

"Please call me Jocelyn. Um I wanted to first of all say thank you for what you have done for Clary. You have made her into such an incredible person."

"Thanks, Jocelyn but she made me an even better person."

"God you look so much like Stephen and Celine. They would be so proud of you. But anyway that's not what I wanted to say. Actually I wanted to say. I wanted to apologise for trying and wanting to kill you. It's only because I thought you were Johnathan. And I ..."

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