We Missed You Clary

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Jace's PoV

When she collapsed on the floor, I ran to her. I held her close to me. I couldn't let her go, let alone leave her. She was breathing so slowly I thought she was dying. I put a iratze on her, I was torn to do it but I had no choice, I couldn't lose her - not again. I then put a glamour on her so nobody would see us. I put her bag on my back and carried her in my arms. Before she collapsed I texted Luke to meet us outside her apartment. Hopefully he was here by now.

As soon as we go outside I see Luke's car, he's with Mom. I quickly walk to the car and open the door. I lay Clary in the back seat and put her head on my leg as a pillow. They both stared at me in shock, Luke asked me,

"What the fuck happened? I swear to God their not taking her again."

"I don't know she said she felt weird and I told her to relax and sit down and then she fainted. I tried an iratze, it worked but she isn't getting better. We need to take her to Magnus. We need to go to the institute. Now"

Luke puts his foot down a bit. I kiss Clary's head and hold her hand in mine, praying to the Angels to save her.

After a few minutes, we arrive outside the institute. We all go inside. Luke carries Clary this time while I walk with my mom. As we get inside, all eyes are facing us. Simon, Izzy, Alec and Magnus are all there anxious to know what was happening. We all rush to Clary's room and lay her down on the bed.

"Magnus you need to find out what's happening to her. One second she was fine the the next she collapses."

"I'll do my best."

For the next five minutes we are all crowded in her room and pray to the angel and wait for movement. All of a sudden, I look at Clary's arm and see the angelic rune. And slowly she was getting her runes back. I said,

"She's getting her runes back. That's probably why she fainted. Right?"

"Most likely, that means if she is getting her runes back then..." Magnus said with a smile upon his face.

"Her memories will come back too."

I got more happy than I have ever been.  My soulmate is coming back to me. She is gonna be with me until the day I die and after that.

Izzy sits on the bed holding her hand and says,

"Thank the Angel."

Suddenly, Clary sat up, hitting Isabelle's forehead. I could tell that reminded Izzy about the first time she saw and spoke to her.

Clary's PoV

I wake up, hitting somebody's head. Not anybody's head but Isabelle's like the first time I met her. Instantly, I remember everything and hugged her. I know she is my parabatai. I know that she is in love with my best friend Simon. I know we have been through everything with each other.

"My parabatai."

Isabelle looked shocked and happy at the same time that tears rolled down her face.

"You remember me. You remember everything. I missed you."

"I missed you too."

We let go of each other and I stand up to face Simon. I hug him tightly, crying into his shoulder.

"Well, Fray I guess your back for good."

"I missed you too Simon."

I let go of him and turn to Magnus.

"Biscuit. Your finally home. Madzie and Max have missed you terribly."

"Its good to be back Magnus."

He kisses my forehead and gives me a heart warming hug. I turn to see Alec with a tear in his eye. I have barely ever seen him cry. The last time I saw him cry was when Magnus saved the world. He gives me a hug for a second. We have always had an annoying brother and sister relationship and we both know we love and care about each other.

"Glad to have you back, Fray."

"You mean that."

"Of course I do. Even though your a pain in my ass, your still my sister. And I never got to thank you Clary. I forgot to thank you for helping me and Magnus reunite and giving us our life back and it was one of many reasons why the Angel forced you to choose. You did something to save everybody and that's a debt that can never be paid."

We smile at each other and next I see Maryse and Luke. My dad. I run up to him and hugged him.

"Dad, I missed you soo much."

"I missed you too, kiddo. God I didn't know how I was gonna live if I didn't tell you how much I loved you if I couldn't see you again."

"Don't worry I would have known anyway. I will always know."

I let go and turn to Maryse.

"Hi, Maryse."

She takes my hand in hers and says,

"Clary, I need to ask you something. Something I haven't mentioned it to anyone not even Luke or Jace."

"What is it?"

"During Magnus and Alec's wedding. You came to me and asked me if the angels were able to forgive us for any wrongs we do. I should have taken it as a sign that something was wrong but you asked me that and I said it was possible and its true. The angels have forgiven you."

She pulls me into a hug. I could feel that a weight had lifted from her shoulders. Finally I look around the room to see Jace. My soulmate. I walk up to him and kiss him. I could feel that he knew, I would remember him cause who wouldn't. Afterwards, I hug him with my head in his shoulder and his hands on my waist. We didn't want to let go of each other.

"I missed you Clary Fairchild. I'm never gonna let you go and I'm not going to leave your side. I'm not gonna let you leave again."

"I missed you too Jace Herondale. I've always loved you even when you thought I didn't know you. You were always with me."

"Okay, guys lets  leave these two alone for a while. Its getting late anyway, we need to get some rest." Alec says knowing that his parabatai needs to be with the love of his life.

Everybody says goodbye to me and Jace. As Alec shuts the door. Me and Jace instantly kiss and end up losing track of time. Before we know it we are on my bed. And out of the blue, I could hear Jace chuckle. I ask,

"What's so funny?"

"This whole thing. You actually being here its like my most desired dream."

"I know, I feel like we have lost years together. I don't want to waste anymore time."

"Clary, I don't want to move to fast. I love you too much that I can't - I won't lose you again. If I kiss you all day, everyday, for the rest of my life, it won't be enough. Nothing will be enough to make up for the time we have lost together."

"Jace, remember the last thing I said to you."

He nods his head.

"One of the last things I said was that every single cell in my body loves you and when those ones die and new ones form they will love you even more. Those cells will continue to love you no matter what happens,  if we die in a battle,  if we are separated from each other or anything else that can happen to us. Cause I will continue to love you even when I'm angry at you for being so stubborn."

"I know now. Come on lets go to bed."

We lie beneath the covers with my hand on Jace's face and his arm around my waist. Soon we fall asleep in each others arms. Something we both dreamed about for months.

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