A Brother from the Past

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Clary's PoV

Once we got to the apartment we went into my room to pack a few things. As I packed, Jace looked around my room, admiring my paintings. He looks amazed and stunned at my work. He turns to me and says,

"Clary, do you know what your artwork is about?"

"No actually. I've got these images in my head but I couldn't make them out."

"They all tell a story."

"I don't know I've never really noticed. They are just these blurred images in my head."

"Babe, this is amazing. This is way better than anything you've ever done before."

I stand there with amazement. He has said so many positive things about my artwork that I know that I can do anything. Nothing is impossible for me anymore.

Amy knocks on my door and I let her in. She was again surprised to see Jace in my room.

"Clary, you were gone for ages I was getting worried."

"Amy, you don't have to worry about me I'm fine. And speaking of being gone for ages. I'm gonna be gone for a while. I think I might move out soon."

"WHAT! Clary, that's such short notice. I mean I don't have time to get you a Goodbye present or a card or anything. Other than that why are you leaving me? I don't want to live with a stranger all over again."

"Jace can you give us a minute."


Jace walks out, shutting the door behind him.

"Ok Amy, I've been keeping a lot from you. I've been dating Jace for a while and he asked me to move in with him and I said yes. I'm gonna stay there and see how it goes but if anything happens I promise I'll come back."

"It's ok. I get it. God you've only been here for a year and your leaving anyway I'm gonna get a goodbye present and I'll see you soon."

She gives me a right hug and it felt like she didn't want to let me go. I said goodbye to her and she walked out the room into hers. Even though the life I lived was a lie it was still good to have a friend like Amy in some way she was like Simon but in a girl version.

Jace walks back into the room and says,
"You ready yet."

"Yeah I just feel about weird."

"Hey, careful why don't you sit down on the bed for a few minutes you might feel better."

I sit down on the bed but I feel so tired as if something is trying to take over my body. Instantly, I collapse on the bed and the only thing I remember before closing my eyes was Jace calling my name.

First all I see is darkness. Then a small light appeared in front of me. It got bigger and bigger to a point where the darkness was defeated by the light.

It was a person. A person with wings. He looked kind of like my mom. He smiled right at me. Slowly, he touched my head causing me pain. Almost a million things passed through my head at once. Memories rushed into my head. Every single one was about my life as a Shadowhunter. They were all true.


Then I fell to the ground and all of a sudden, I remembered. I remembered everything I did. My whole Shadowhunter life that was cut short. And I knew the person standing in front of me was Johnathan.

"Johnathan, how are you here? Your... ."

"Dead. I know that Clary. I'm an angel."

"But how when you died you still had demon blood."

"That's true but when you put your wings around me, you took out all the demon blood inside of me and it disappeared."

"But shouldn't you be angry at me. I killed you."

"Little sister, I am far from angry. I'm happy and free. I never wanted to be a demon. I wanted to be normal. But I never had that choice. You gave me that chance and now I'm here. But I'm not here to catch up with you Clary. I came here to warn you."

"Warn me about what. Am I gonna get my memory erased again."

"I don't know Clary. I came to tell you that Raziel is angry with you, with me and every other angel here."

" Why what did we do?"

"All of the angels didn't agree with Raziel taking your memories. And soon after I found out, I tried to convince him not to. But he wouldn't listen. And that's when he got angrier and angrier and he forced mom to come to warm you. She seemed to have mixed emotions about the whole thing."

"But I don't understand should you all make the decisions together as a team or like the Clave."

"I know but I've come to warn you that Raziel is gonna visit you. He is thinking about putting you on trial. A trial to see if you will do anything like this again. You need a lot of people to defend you Clary even the other angels or friends."

"Johnathan before you leave, why did he really take everything away from me?"

"Because you were damaging things. After you put the alliance rune one both Downworlders and Nephilim, he was really angry. It led to the destruction of Edom. The only reason he prevented it from happening was because he knew that Edom will become extinct, but then the impossible happened and it was the last straw. If you went against him again he said it would be permanent."

"But how was it impossible to go to Edom if we did go"

"You were stronger than him. Clary your stronger than any type of angel."

"One more question, how was taking everything away from me permanent when I still got it back."

"That's what we thought. But when Raziel was taking your memories away he couldn't fully take them away. Left in your mind were fragments of memories. They would remain like that if they were not triggered by something. So the dreams were those fragment in your mind ."

"How did they trigger?"

"I thought you said you only had one question left."

"Big Brother please answer the question. how did they trigger and did you trigger them?"

"I did not trigger them. None of us do. they could only be triggered by someone with a deep connection to you. Someone who has Angel Blood. But all of us have gone under a truth test with Raziel and we didn't do anything. That's why it is still a mystery, little sister."

"Johnathan I'm scared."

"There isn't anything to be scared of Clary. At least not yet."

"How much time do we have to prepare ourselves?"

"From what I have seen so far, You have two years before something bad happens."

"So what should we do?"

"I can't answer Clary. I need to go now before Raziel finds out I warned you. Bye Clary."

"Johnathan! Johnathan! Wait."

He disappears and all the light starts to disappear. Darkness starts to spread until I can't see anything anymore.

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