The Court Trial

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Clary PoV

My mum told me yesterday that I had to make sure I was at the trial before 10:00am. Instead I was half and hour early. This meant I had time to prepare with those who support me. My head was getting heavier as I start thinking about what questions I could get asked by the opposing side. Minutes go by when the hall gets filled with dozens of Shadowhunters here to either support me or to attack me.

Jace, Izzy, Alec, Magnus and Simon sit right behind me. I sit in between my mum and my brother. As soon as everyone is quiet. A light shines from the judge's chair. Raziel is in it when the light disappears. Angels can do many any things but this was generally very eye-catching. It almost looked like one of my paintings. As soon as I am out of my deep thoughts, Raziel starts talking,

"This is the trial of Clarissa Adele Fairchild. This trial is to determine whether or not she can keep her life in our world as a Shadowhunter or as a human. Some of you will be witnesses and will be called to the stand one by one. If you are chosen you will answer to both the defence and the prosecutor. I expect complete silence during the trial. I am going to call out the list of names that will be coming to the stand in the next two days. The names are: Jace Herondale, Isabelle Sophia Lightwood, Alexander Gideon Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Simon Lewis,  Brother Zachariah, Maia Roberts, Jia Penhallow, Johnathan Morgenstern and  Imogen Herondale. If your names were mentioned you will obey to these rules and should now be prepared to testify either against or for Clarissa. May the trial begin. The Prosecutors will start first."

I see my monstrous father stand up from his chair. He had the most arrogant smirk spread across his face. He looks at me and says,

"My first witness I will call to the stand is Simon Lewis."

He thinks he is clever. Breaking Simon into pieces was probably his plan. He was gonna rip him apart. Simon slowly got up and satin a tall, thin chair. Valentine went up to him and stared at him long enough to start breaking him. I whispered 'Its Ok Simon, be strong.' Hoping he would hear me. Valentine begins to speak,

"So Simon how do you know Clarissa?"

"Umm, we have been best friends since we were six years old."

"Really, that's nice. So, has Clarissa done anything to upset you?"

"Um yeah sure, all best friends get into fights but were always still friends."

"Like the time she kissed Jace at Seelie court while she was dating you I believe."

"Yeah but I forgave her, the Seelie Queen twisted everything she said, that's mainly what she is known for."

"Really, so if that didn't bother you why id you stop talking to her for a few weeks?"

"Because I was being a jealous boyfriend. Anybody would but it hurt my feelings it clearly told me I wasn't her soulmate but it helped me realise who it was."(smiling at Isabelle)

"What about when she turned you into a vampire?"

"Umm, again I was angry, I would have preferred to stay dead but she only turned me because of my mum and how she would feel and she would start drinking again. She was preventing her from falling off the wagon again."

"Really, well actually Simon, she shouldn't have turned you. That was a very selfish and obscure thing for her to do. Angel Raziel it is clear from here that Clary didn't understand the importance of being a Shadowhunter, that people die in war and that the dead should stay dead no matter what."

"It wasn't her fault she was only a Shadowhunter for what two days."

"Silence, Simon Lewis, Mr Morgenstern are you done with this witness."

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