Angel Raziel

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It was two in the afternoon and I was waiting for a message from Johnathan. I grew impatient every time someone called for me or tapped me on the shoulder. Instantly a fire message appeared in my hands. It wasn't a normal fire message. The flames were silver and blazed in my hand. It was so light that I could see parts of my face through the flames. The flames were cold as it blew out. Written on the message was "The Angel Raziel will visit you at 4:00pm today and remember not everyone is as they seem." From the Angel Raziel himself.
I run around the institute to find everyone but nobody was here. I picked up my phone and called Luke,

"Dad where are you?"

"Um, I'm at the bookstore kiddo. Why what's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Um yeah I got a fire message from angel Raziel. He's coming at 4:00 today."

"The Angel Raziel or his servant."

"It says he is coming but then it says not everyone is as they seem."

"What does that mean?"

"No idea. That's why I called. I was trying to find everyone but I don't think they are here. And you were the first I called."

"Sorry, Clary but I will call Alec and Simon and see if I can find out where they went. Ok."

"Ok, thanks Dad love you."

"Love you too, kiddo."

He cuts the phone on me. Something wasn't right. Where could they have gone? They could have gone on a mission but Jace wouldn't leave me alone. Maybe he was still angry and needed to calm down. I go back to my room and prepare for the meeting without them. Without my parabatai, my best friend, my brother, both of my father figures and my soulmate. I try to find my stele just to be prepared I activate some of my runes.

Jace's PoV

Luke put the phone down on Clary. All of us wait to see what she said. Every single one of them was at L & M's bookstore. Luke and Maryse both owned this shop together and have had quite a bit of success. They were happy here and it became one of their favourite places.

Luke looks up at me,

"Raziel is coming at 4:00. She got a fire message. We all need to be there for her. We need to protect her in case something happens."

"We will but we need to figure out how we need to make sure we keep his from Clary. Agreed."

Everybody nods their head. We are all in agreement, Clary can't find out about what we were doing. What were we doing? We find out who the threat was. When Clary killed Johnathan she was right about it going into the air. But what we all didn't know was that someone consumed all of it. Someone was still alive. They were waiting for the right moment to use Lilith's demon blood which was injected into Johnathan and kill and wipe out humanity. And take over the world and rebuild. But I won't say the name. Not until after the trial.

At 3:30 we all leave the shop after Luke closes it and head for the institute. Everybody waits in the Sanctuary while I go find Clary. I find her in her room, with a stele in between her thin, warm fingers. I feel guilty as her watch her, I feel guilty that I'm lying to her, I feel guilty of how I acted with her. Its not fair on her. I knock on the door and hope that she will let me in. She stares at me. Only now can I see that she was crying. I rushed into the room and kneeled in front of her and put her head into my shoulder, wrapping my arms around her. All that did was make her cry harder. I said,

"Clary, please don't cry. I'm sorry about how I acted earlier and I am beating for how I was towards you. I'm sorry for calling you selfish and for not being here with you like I said I was going to be. "My heart is your heart, My hands are your hands."

She lifted her head from my shoulders and looked at me straight in my eyes,

"Clary, I feel what you feel. When your sad, I feel your sadness and it hurts me not to see you happy. When you get hurt in any way I get hurt because of it. We are connected in a different way I didn't think was possible."

"Jace, I'm scared about the trial. I don't know who is going to betray me or what will happen if I lose. I am so scared Jace, I thought I had everything back but it might just get taken from me again."

"Hey, your not going to lose. Ok, you won't get taken from us again. I swear. I swear on us."

"Why us, Jace? Why us?"

"Because Clary there is nothing I believe in more."

A smile forms on her face and soon the tears stopped rolling down her face. I kissed her lips and it felt like the world stopped. Nothing mattered to me more than her. Her hand moved up to my hair, as I laid on the bed with her on top of me. Suddenly as we were going under the covers, the brightest light I had ever seen covered the institute. Instantly, I held on to Clary and covered her eyes with my shoulder. I protected her until it left. We stared at each other in confusion.

"Jace what was that?"

"I don't know."

Quickly, we got changed and went to find the others. They were in the Sanctuary. They all stared in shock and amazement at the main doors of the institute. Me and Clary looked at each other in confusion and curiosity. She held my hand and we both walked towards the front of the group through the crowd. When we got to the front, we saw the impossible. I felt Clary squeeze my hand, making sure that she wasn't hallucinating. I squeezed her hand back. We both knew it was real.

In front of us was the Angel Raziel. He was more normal than what I thought he was. He wore complete white clothing. He looked young but older than me. His golden brown hair was neat and tidy, sitting on his head like they were in heaven. Huge, desirable wings came out from his back and hovered in the air. It was amazing to see an Angel again, one that was more powerful and different than Itherial.

Behind him was a miracle. On his left hand side was Jocelyn Fairchild (Clary and Johnathan's mother), Johnathan Fairchild/Morgenstern, and the third was covering their face with a silk, white cloak. But on the right hand side of Raziel was the opposite of a miracle. On the right it was Valentine Morgenstern, Imogen Herondale (My Grandmother) and Hodge Starkweather. Why my grandmother was against Clary, I don't know but I couldn't face her, not after I killed her. Suddenly Angel Raziel broke the silence in the room,

"My soldiers, my children. I am Raziel. I am here today with guests to start the trial based on whether Clarissa Adele Fairchild, can keep her Shadowhunter life or be deruned and live a normal life. Me and the other angels who are not visibly present will decide the verdict. The course of this trial will happen within two days and on the third day will be the verdict."

Clary PoV

Everyone looks towards me. Whispering. Jace doesn't let go of my hand even when I move my hand out. When I'm shaking he squeezes my hand giving me control of it. The only thing I could worry about now is whether I could win or not. The only thing I could say was,


"I'm here Clary and so is Johnathan."

I see them holding hands. They have made peace with each other. It's one of the things I have ever wanted to happen amping other things. Angel Raziel disappears along with the people who are against me. The only ones left are my mom, my brother and a stranger.

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