The Biggest Threat

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Clary PoV

One Week Later...

I wake up with Jace leaning on his hand and gazing at me. He says,

"Morning beautiful."

"Morning handsome."

"Did you get a good sleep."

"The best I've had in a year."

I gave him a good morning kiss. Well it was more than a kiss as we got carried away. Then someone burst into the room. It was Simon.

"Dude first you give me a lecture on being late to training but now your late to my lesson."

"I've been preoccupied."

"Oh crap."

"What?" I said so confused to what he was trying to say.

"I forgot to give Isabelle a good morning kiss. No wonder she didn't speak to me this morning."

"Simon there are plenty of reasons to why she doesn't speak to you in the morning."

Before Simon can come up with a comeback Alec comes into the room and says we need to meet in the Sanctuary. Simon leaves with Alec and shuts the door for me and Jace to get ready. We leave the room together hand in hand. It's like deja vu all over again.

We go into the room to find every single Shadowhunter in the institute smiling at me. Then Jace tells me to stay where I was. He walks to join them and everybody starts to clap and cheer for me. This was everyone's way to thank me and to tell me how much they missed me. Tears began to form in my eyes again. After yesterday I didn't want to cry again.

I shout, "Thank you" to everyone and slowly people started to work again. It was nice to know when your appreciated. The six of us gather around the table and start to discuss the demon attack's happening nearby. Jace and Simon thought it was too soon for me to get involved but I had to tell them that I am needed by the angels. I still needed to tell them everything about the meeting I had with Johnathan. Every time I try to talk to them somebody always comes with something to say.

"Actually I need to tell you guys something."

"We know you missed us. We missed you too." Simon says giggling to himself.

"Apart from that. Well when I passed out I didn't just get my memories back. Me and Johnathan were having a little reunion of our own. He was warning me."

"Hold on, the Johnathan that tried to kill Jace, the Johnathan as in your biological demon blooded brother. The Johnathan as in the one who killed the actual Sebastian Verlac, the Johnathan who you killed costing you your memories. That Johnathan"

"Simon there is only one Johnathan, of course it was that Johnathan."

"Wait but he died with demon blood so he would have gone to hell."

"He didn't, when I killed him, I formed angel wings. That helped me drain all the darkness out of him. Then he became what he was meant to be."

"So where did the darkness go?"

"I don't know. It couldn't have been possible for me to have taken it in because my angel blood would have fought it off. There is a chance it went into the air. But nobody would have been around to inhale it cause they were dead."

Everyone seemed relieved but they don't know about the part about the greatest threat. Until Alec says,

"Hang on, you said he warned you. Warned you about what."

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