"You're Being Stubborn"

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I shut the door behind me in the library. I find Clary leaning against a bookshelf that hasn't been touched in decades. I walk up to her and sit beside her.

"I'm sorry Clary."

"Sorry doesn't make it alright Jace Herondale. Not this time."

"Look I didn't know why I was put against you today. Imogen told me that it could benefit you if the defence tore me down. And I believed it."

"How long did you know?"

"I only knew last night, she told me here and then I walked about in here after she left and I found you here. So I picked you up and put you in bed."

"It was you who took me to my room."


"Ok what about the Ash. My niece, how long?"

"Before the trial started, the day you couldn't find us, the day I found you crying in your room. We were all with Luke and Mom and we found out."

"So all of you lied to me after our promise to each other."

I nodded. She sighed and started crying again. I didn't like it that I caused her to cry. I turned her around to face me and I said,

"I meant every single word I said to you about us ok. Its the one and only thing I believe in. If this breaks us up I will be broken. I wouldn't believe in anything anymore I would be torn apart by the thought of us not existing anymore."

"I know Jace but I would be too. That's why I have decided that if I'm guilty of putting the world in danger then I don't want to be apart for this world or to know about it. I want to forget everything and it needs to be permanent."

A tear rolled down my cheek. I couldn't believe what I was hearing right now.

"No, Clary. No. Your staying with me. Your staying with Simon, Izzy, Alec. You're being stubborn."

"No I am not."

"Yes you're being stubborn. You're not leaving me Clary you can't."

I started crying like a baby. Clary held me in her arms. I didn't want her to leave. What have I done? What have I done?

"But I love you Clary."

"I love you too Jace. I always will."

We stay in each other's arms. Holding each other until we both fall asleep.

Standing in the warm dry beach with Clary was everything I wanted. All I wanted to do was keep her safe with me here. I wake up in a bed with her arms around me holding me close. I didn't want to wake her. I watched as her mouth moved as she slept letting out a sigh. I kissed her forehead and stroked her arm, as a signal to let her know of my presence.

After a few seconds, her breathing became heavy, she began to cough too much. I put an iratze on her but nothing was working. Soon her eyes began to open and she tried calling out my name but i told her not to. Soon she died in my arms. I kept holding her close to me saying 'don't leave me, Clary.'

I woke up from my nightmare, and saw that it was 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Clary was still sleeping on my shoulder with her hand on my chest. I almost don't want to wake her up. I hold her hand to find a ring on her finger. It's a Seelie ring. I take it off her and put it on my finger and try to see who is on the other side.

"Hello who is this?"

"Jace where's Clary?

"Simon, your the one she has been contacting."

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