Goodbyes and A Special Secret

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I needed to say goodbye to two members of my family. I completely forgot that they had to go. The first goodbye I needed to say was to my mom. I wanted to make sure I said goodbye properly this time. I went to her room and knocked on the door. I went in and saw her gazing out the window. I joined her and said,

"Mom what's it like up there?"

"It's the best thing in the whole universe, sweetheart. It's all ancient but beautiful. Everything tells a story."

"I'm gonna miss you."

"I am too. But I got to see you develop into this bright adult that has bloomed out of nowhere. Clary everybody is gonna see you for the hero you really are no matter what."

"Mom I want to say goodbye this time. I need to let you know that I won't let you down and nothing like this will happen again. I didn't want you to go without knowing how much you helped me grow into what I am now. Ok maybe you were wrong not to let me know about this but I would have been ready either way. We lost so much time and this time now makes up for part of it. I love you Mom."

"I love you too Clary, but I'm always gonna be here. You might not see me but I'll be here and the love I have for you will be in your heart. That's what makes you stronger. But Clary when I get back wit Raziel, I'm not gonna be there anymore. I'm gonna go to my own paradise."

"Wait its real."

"In some what yes but its the life I want to live and stay in forever. I am going to say goodbye to Tessa. I'll see you soon, go say goodbye to Johnathan now."

As she was walking away I say,

"Wait, mom!"

I hug her for the very last time and whisper her something in her ear and she says,

"I know. I told you I will always be here."

She let me go and walked out to find Tessa. The final goodbye will be to Johnathan. He needs me right now, after yesterday's trial, he needs his sister.

I find Johnathan in the garden of the institute. He was sitting quietly on the bench. I sit next to him and put my hand on his shoulder. We sat in silence but it was broken by his words,

"I saw her yesterday."

"Saw who."

"My daughter, I saw Ash she recognised who I was."

"Johnathan, oh my god, how do you feel wat did you say."

"I could barely say anything Clary, I was so stunned but she knew me and she knows that I might not come back for her. But I tried to cure her with angel blood but I don't think it worked Clary."

"Johnathan if she is the threat we haven't seen, what do you want me to do?"

"Don't do anything yet, but I want you to keep an eye on her. I told Meliorn as well and he said he would. You need to stay in contact with Meliorn and make sure he isn't worried about her. If he is you need to see her. Don't kill her until you absolutely have to."

"What do you mean?"

"You needto find a way to prevent her from causing a threat to everyone. But if nothing works and your out of options, then kill her but make sure she doesn't suffer, Clary."

"Johnathan I won't kill her she's your daughter, she's my niece. Just because I killed you and Valentine doesn't mean I'm gonna make the same decision to kill my own blood. I love you but I can't."

"I know but what if it was your child. Would you want to make sure she doesn't cause destruction in the world."

"I don't know."

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