Remembering the Shadow World

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Clary PoV

Jace put the phone down. All I needed to do now was wait. Wait for him to come. This past year I feel something had been missing from me like a completely different personality but now I am one step closer to finding it. 

I recite the questions I have been dying to ask. But all I could think about was him. Jace. Everything in my life seems like a nightmare until I saw him stare at me last night. It was like I've known him my whole life. 

I stare at the paintings I made. All of them tell a story but I don't know what the story is. I hear a knock at my door. Its probably Jace. I opened it to see him. His eyes stare right at me in amazement. His eyes were drawn to me. I've seen those eyes plenty of times before in my dreams. But never this amazing. 

We stood there for a minute until we both snapped back to reality. I let him in and we sat down at the table in the most awkward silence. I began to ask him questions and he answered them. Every question about the shadow world everything about my parents to the place in my dreams to everything. everything was going well till my last couple of questions, 

"So why did my memory get taken away. What did I do that was so bad that I lost everything that made my life seem more clear."

"Umm... You abused your power."

"My power, but why can't I use something that was gifted to me."

He laughed as said it.

"You said that before. Nice to know you still use the same words."

"I've said that before."

He nods his head and says,

"You saved the world by using your gift."

"That doesn't sound like a fair explanation."

"You did it against the will of the Angels, Clary. You went against them enough times for them to take it away. To take you away."

"That's my punishment for all of this." 

He nodded his head. He looked away as if he was trying to hide his emotions way from me. Without thinking I put my hand on his, squeezing it softly. He looked at our hands together, for a second he looked relieved but then he pulled it away. 

"Jace what's wrong? Did I do something?"

"No, Clary no you didn't do anything its just me. Ever since I lost you that night I couldn't sleep, I couldn't be happy, I could barely get out of bed for like a month. I prayed and vowed to the angels that nothing will defeat our love, nothing. And we won. But I just don't want to lose you again. "

I walk towards him and place my hand on his cheek and say, 

"Jace, you won't lose me again. I will make sure of it. Nothing can ever split us up again." 

"Clary you don't know me anymore, you don't remember who I am or who our family is."

"So, I still have my dreams, even though its not everything it's still something."

He puts his hand on my hand that's on his cheek, stroking it with his thumb. I lean in, kissing his lips. Even though he panicked before, he doesn't pull away. 

A banging knock on the door breaks us apart. 

"I'm not expecting anybody today, I don't know who that could be?" 

We stare at each other. Jace grabs hold of something in his pocket. He pulled it out and it turned into a sword but not any sword it was a seraph blade. I've seen it in my dreams. It was my first ever weapon. Jace stood in front of me and said,

"Stay behind me no matter what."

I nodded my head. We walked towards the door. We waited a few seconds and opened it wide, Jace was prepared to fight but there wasn't any need. It was Tyler and Amy. I whispered to Jace it was alright. Amy is my roommate and Tyler is her boyfriend. They looked shocked to see another guy in the apartment. I haven't been in a relationship in so long. A few months ago, I was in a relationship that didn't end completely well and I was disappointed and confused. I swore I wouldn't date again. But that relationship and the one I have with Jace is completely different. 

We were lucky that the seraph blade was invisible to people without the sight. Otherwise people will become concerned. 

"Clary, who is this guy? I thought you forbid yourself from dating."

"Well things change Amy. What are you doing back so early? I thought you two were back coming tomorrow."

"Well, I thought you would get lonely here by yourself and I thought we could have a girls day but I guess you didn't need it."

I could sense that Jace was a bit awkward but surely if he stalked me for a year he would know who Amy and Tyler were. 

"Anyway me and Tyler are going into my room to unpack and we will see you later." 

Amy wanted to get out of our way and so she and Tyler went into her room.

Jace broke the silence as soon as Amy's door shut,

"I'm gonna leave you with your friends and we can talk later..."

"I want to come with you!"

I spoke before you could say bye. 

"Clary, I don't think that's wise. I mean this is too much for you to deal with right now. I shouldn't have even told you about anything."

"I don't care, Jace. It is my birth right to be a Shadowhunter, so its my choice whether you agree or disagree."

Jace was considering it. If he knew me, he would know that I don't back down.

"Fine you can come but nobody can know. We are gonna have to do our best to prevent you from being seen. "

I quickly got ready and tried to wear black clothing like Jace disguising myself when we go to the institute. I walk out and his eyes are on me. It was like I was at the centre of the universe. 

"Wow, you kind of look like a Shadowhunter again ."

"Thanks, I tried my best to blend in so nobody would recognise me."

We went outside and walked. Me and Jace walked side by side. I had the sudden feeling of holding his hand. I feel like as long as Jace is with me, I could remember everything. Slowly, I hold Jace's hand causing him to walk more slower and when he thought I wasn't looking, he stared at me with a smile on his face and he never let go. 

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