Her Roommate is a Vampire

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Jace's PoV

Izzy thought it would be a good idea if we threw a Welcome Back party for Clary. I didn't disagree with the idea, a party was the best thing to do right now. Though it was a surprise party and me and Simon had to distract her. It wasn't easy despite the fact that all she wanted to do was train and go on a mission. Luckily, we did have some missions to go to but that wouldn't be enough to keep her occupied.

I planned for me, her and Simon to go on missions then after they were finished, me and Clary will visit Maia at the Hunter's Moon or the restaurant she is opening. The party would start at 7pm but Clary needs to walk in at 7:30pm. I told Clary to bring a dress with her so after the mission she and I can change into our outfits for the party, but she thinks I'm taking her on a date. So I need to be careful.

The first mission we go on is in a restaurant downtown where two people were killed and drained of blood my first guess - Camille Belcourt was back. Clary was so annoyed that Camille would repeat her actions. Though she always held a grudge against Camille especially when turning Simon into a vampire in the first place.

Clary and Simon were continuously talking about these weird tv shows and movies that I didn't know about. I didn't even want to set into the conversation. Whenever Clary wanted to go back to the institute Simon would distract her saying that she should catch up on missions or she should spend time with him because of lost time. He would get so excited that he would turn to me smiling and give me a thumbs up. Vampires these days.

The next two missions we go on are near the jade wolf. Werewolves were attacked by a faerie. At first we thought it was Johnathan's daughter but Clary denied it had anything to do with her. Saying she was too young. Like when Johnathan burnt that flower in his mother's hand because the thorn of it hurt him. Nobody can be too young or inexperienced.

As we were near the Jade Wolf or the building that was called the Jade Wolf we thought it would be good to thank Maia for saying the truth at the trial. We walk in the restaurant which was now called 'Downworld' and sat in a booth by the kitchen. As we sit down Maia comes out of the kitchen and stares at us with a smile on her face. She was shocked to see us. Simon says,

"I brought you a visitor."

Maia replied and said,

"No kidding Simon. Clary it's good that your back the amount of times I heard everybody wine about how they miss you was unbelievable. I missed you but not to complain so much about my life."

"Well, Maia I am glad to be back. And I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your honesty throughout your statement."

"Clary you don't have to thank me. I said what was true and what would help."

Clary smiles at Maia. I don't either of them have been this close with each other. I think even Simon was shocked to see this happening. Maia has to leave for a shift at the Hunters Moon but we stayed and ate until our next mission. Simon left as soon as we were about to leave the restaurant, Izzy must have texted him to help out.

I checked the time and it was nearly 5:00. Another two hours before we can go back to the institute. The last mission lasted about half an hour. The demon may have been less harmful than others but was extremely fast.
I checked the time again and only half the hour has passed. I needed to think
of a good idea to keep Clary here. Her apartment. I said to Clary,

"Hey don't you need to see your roommate. We don't want her to get worried. And call the police."

"Shit. I forgot about Amy. Do you think she will call the police."

"Did you call or text her?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Well then she will call the police and Luke won't be able to help us this time or any downworlder."

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