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He stood close by in the gallery. Gazing at her. All he did this past year was spying on his soulmate. As she finishes talking to a potential buyer, she sees him. 

His heart began to beat rapidly as she continues to stare at him in amazement and confusion.  He looks behind him, thinking she is staring at someone else but she wasn't she was staring at him. Him only. The beat of his heart became louder and louder as she started to walk towards him. The first words she said to him was, 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to spook you." 

Jace panicked he didn't know what to say because he was so confused. After a few seconds he said

'You can see me' 

"Yes, of course I can see you" 

Jace was about to burst into tears. He was so emotional that he was happy but one side he regretted everything he did. He regretted showing up at the gallery. Even though he really wanted this to happen, it couldn't happen at the same time. The angel seemed to forbid this from happening.  So he walked away. Clary stood there confused. Her mind was telling her to stay in the gallery but her heart was telling her to follow him. To follow the person she doesn't have any memory of seeing. She listened to her heart. 

She walks into the alleyway looking for him. She finds him. She yells, 

'Hey. Hey, I'm talking to you.' 

Jace stops. He knows he can't walk away. Not now not when she has the Sight again. He turns around to face her, waiting for her to speak.

'Don't I know you from somewhere?'

Jace is full of emotions, slightly shocked at what she said. He replies,

'No I don't think so.'

'No, I do. I definitely do. I... You're Jace, right?' 

'Yeah. Yeah ,I'm Jace. Yeah' A smile appears on his face. A smile nobody has seen in a long time. 

'I'm Clary. Um...'

They both laugh. It was like when they first met. To Jace it was like deja vu. Though Clary notices the runes. The runes she was stripped of by the angels themselves. The angles that Jace prayed to everyday saying that his and clary's love for each other was stronger than ever. 

"What are those tattoos on your neck?"

Jace ignored the question. He couldn't look her in the eye. Clary's hand met with Jace's rune. Their eyes met with each other. In Jace's mind he knows the angels heard his prayers. He knows that Clary knows who he is and everything could go back to normal like it was a year ago. 

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