The Court Trial Part 2

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It was 8 o'clock in the morning. I woke up lying in a warm bed. The last thing I remember is falling asleep in the library. Someone must have found me and brought me to my room. I got up to see nobody there. I walk out my room to Jace's. I quietly open the door to see him peacefully sleeping. I don't know why he didn't come and fall asleep with me but maybe he didn't put me in bed. It must have been Luke, Simon Magnus or Alec.

I went into his room slowly closing the door. I kneeled next the bed and stared at his face. His hair was messy with a strand of her dangling to his eyelashes. I move it back kiss his forehead. He twitched but it didn't awaken him. I held his hand. I got up and as I was walking away, I felt something pulling me back. I looked back to see Thar Jace grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go. I tried to let go but his grip was too strong even in his sleep. Instead I just sat down by the bed and let him hold m hand. A few seconds after he started
Talking in his sleep. Most it was muffled but some things he said was 'Don't leave me.' Or 'We are inseparable.' And then all of a sudden he started calling for me. And one was so loud I thought he was screaming. But the next time he said my name he shouted and I spoke to him and said I was there and nothing happened to me. And then he woke up.
"Jace it's ok I'm here I'm not leaving. Ok, I'm here."

"Clary, what happened?"

"You were having a bad dream. Buts it ok now I'm here."

"Promise me you won't leave me clary not again."

"Jace I can't promise that it depends what Raziel and the angels say."

"Promise me Clary."

"Ok. I promise Jace Herondale."

We ended up hugging each other on his bed. He has an alarm clock for 9 o'clock so we quickly got up and got ready making sure that we weren't getting late. By the time we were done me and Jace walked out the door into the trial room, hand in hand. My mum, brother and the unknown person defending me were already sitting at the table and away from us was Valentine, Imogen and Hodge. Imogen walks up to us and asks,
"Jace, may I speak to you for a second."

Jace let's go of my hand and tells me he will be back. They go to the corner of the room. Soon Simon and Izzy come up to me and start talking to me and making sure I was alright. I keep looking over at Jace and all I can see is him arguing with his grandmother. They seem to be in a heated conversation. A few minutes before the trial starts their conversation stops. Imogen goes to join Hodge and my father and Jace comes and sits with me. I asked him,

"Jace what's wrong? What did she say?"

"Nothing, it doesn't matter now."

"Jace we all said no secrets."

"It's not a big deal Clary it won't change anything. I don't want you to worry."

As the light of Raziel's presence starts to appear, Jace kisses my forehead and says,

"Be strong."

Then he and the others sit back down. I sit in my place. Waiting for Raziel to speak,
"This is the second and final day of the trial. I expect the same conditions as yesterday. The quicker we are done, the faster we can hear the verdict. Valentine Morgenstern, who is the next witness?"

"Maia Roberts."

I didn't know if Maia would show up. In fact I haven't seen her in ages. If she didn't show up it didn't change anything she wouldn't have said anything special. But then I heard a door slam shut. A tall girl wearing black heels, a plain grey dress and a black leather jacket walked in. She walked passed me and sat on the chair by Raziel. It was Maia. She looked at me and smiled, I didn't know if it was the smile of support or attack. As Valentine said his questions, I came to realise she was stuck in the middle she was not against me or with me. My mother had no questions for her. Maia didn't stay after, she mouthed to me, 'Good luck'. And then she walked away without hesitation.

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