Clary's Party

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Clary's PoV

I take the blindfold off and the first thing I see as I look around the room are decorations. Bunches of balloons and flowers are placed all around the training room. When I look at Jace I see not only him but my friends, my dad and Maryse, the people I worked with, Aline and Helen (who I heard got married), Madzie, warlocks, vampires, Raphael (who isn't one anymore), werewolves and the Clave. Everybody had a smile on their face and I had tears rolling down my eyes.

I really need to control my tears. I look up towards the ceiling and see a floating banner that says 'Welcome Back' and 'Congratulations'. Suddenly, they all began to clap for me and cheer. I laughed and smiled. I didn't deserve any of this.

Everyone started shouting, 'Speech, Speech, Speech.'

I denied to at first but then I nodded my head in agreement. I started my speech and shouted for everyone to hear,

"Thank you for this party. I wanted to say thank you to all of you for a very long time. I am thankful to all of you who stood by me and fought with me. But I would also like to apologise for keeping several secrets from you all especially about the Angel Raziel's message. Going forward we all need to work together. The Angels have warned me about a large threat on our world. A threat that hasn't been experienced before. After tonight we will fight and work together to save our world and to protect mundanes from their worst nightmare. So let's party people, and remember no alcohol for me."

They all cheered and the party began. Everyone started dancing and talking. It was so pleasant to see. I walk up to my family and say,

"So this is the surprise I didn't know about."

Izzy instantly said,

"You don't like it do you. I messed up on something, didn't I. Look blame Alec he said to use lilies, roses and lavender for the bouquets."

"Why blame me? It was an option."

"You're easier to blame."

"Izzy, Alec its fine. I love it."

"You do."

"I do, you're my parabatai, you know what I like."

She hugged me tight that I almost suffocated to a point where Jace and Alec had to pull her off of me. I grabbed Izzy and pulled her to the dance floor and we started to dance. We then saw the others standing in a crowd and we quickly went up to them and forced them on the dance floor. They still wouldn't move until I begged them to move. Gradually, all of us were dancing on the dance floor. We were all together as a family. A family that couldn't every be broken apart.

Then some slow music was played for a slow dance. Jace placed his right hand on my waist and his left hand in my hand. His fingers slide into mine perfectly like a lock and key. I place my chin on his shoulder and wrap my other hand on his back. He whispers into my ear,

"Clary, I have told you I loved you so many times that I can't remember the first time I ever said it. I love you so much that I don't want to let go off you right now. I am never gonna let you out of my sight. After the party, meet me on the roof. I have a second surprise for you."

"What is it?"

"If I tell you it wouldn't be a surprise, Clary."

Its been two hours and the party is about to finish. I look for Jace but I couldn't find him. In fact I couldn't find anybody. Most people had already left and it was just the people who worked at the institute. The party was so amazing that it made me feel at home.

It was nearly 10:00pm and I needed to meet Jace on the roof. I go through the back way of the institute to the roof. I look up at the sky and see that it was lit up by the glowing midnight stars. I remember when I was little that I had always thought that one of the stars was my father, or my grandparents staring down at me at night to check if I was safe. I kept believing it until I found out my father was still alive. I found that I was standing on a path of red and white rose petals. I follow the path to find Jace standing in the middle of a circle of flowers. I enter the circle and stand in front of him.

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