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As we get to the weapons room, Izzy goes to get Clary's surprise. Me, Simon, Clary and Magnus are left in the room. Simon pulls me aside for a lecture and he whispers,

"Is this really a good idea Jace. What if something goes wrong. What if this isn't the Angels will."

"I don't care if its the angels will Simon. I don't give a damn about them. I only care about Clary. Didn't you hear her she remembers who we are. Yeah she doesn't remember what happened and everything but it's a start."

"I'm sorry Jace but I don't want to get in trouble with the Consul or the Clave or with Angel Raziel himself."

"Simon you've got to stop over reacting for once in your life and get a grip."

"Jace she won't leave now. If she continues to stay here something is bound to happen. She could lose her memory all over again or we will. We are all taking a huge risk."

"You don't think I realise that Simon. I didn't want this to happen even though I wanted it to. I didn't want it to go this  far."

Simon had a sorry look on his face. He feels sympathetic. I don't need pity from anyone. I don't need people feeling that they need to look after me. Me and Simon have gotten much closer than we were before. I always he was a great guy but hid that from everyone. 

Izzy enters the weapons room with Alec  and a wrapped box in her hands. Me and Simon return to the group.

"Clary, I'm Alec. It's nice to see you. I know this could be confusing but your home and that's all that matters." Alec welcomes her back with a friendly hug.

Clary seems to appreciate it. She turns her face to Izzy, anxious to see what was in the box, she asks,

"What's in the box?"

"That's for you to open and see." Izzy replied with a smirk on her face.

Clary unwraps the box and opens it to find to daggers. Not just any daggers. Her daggers. One which belonged to her mother and the other that belonged to her father.

"I remember these from my dream. I choose these."

"They choose you, Clary"

She fiddles with them in her hands. She looks at the design and engraved patterns on the kindjals. She admires them.

"One of them belonged your mother and the other belong belonged to your father. They are both Dual Kindjals."

Alec told Clary the connection the kindjals have to her and she seemed to feel normal. Clary gave Izzy a hug to say thank you. Soon everybody leaves and it's just me and her.

"So, what are you gonna show me next?"

"Well because you said we should be prepared we are going to train."

"Train as in go to the gym"

"Train as in fight each other with our weapons. But since you don't remember a lot we are gonna start from  scratch."

"Meaning what exactly"

"I'm gonna teach you how to fight and kill demons or any enemy you come into contact with. Though you already battled and killed the biggest enemies."

"I did. And the angels still did this to me. Are there hearts made of stone or something?"

"Who knows I ask myself the same question?"

I grabs two strong wooden sticks from the weapons area as Clary puts her kindjals away. I handed them to her and we begin to fight. At first we both attack each other, she hasn't forgotten how to defend herself but she is still struggling. She makes the wrong move as always and I end up tripping her onto the floor. I help her up. But as I did she ended up tripping me to the floor with her legs and I landed straight on my back and said,

"Good trick but just to let you know it's not advisable to do with a demon."

We both get up and start fighting again.   This time I improved quicker than I thought I did. I ended up pushing Jace to the floor and kneeling down next to him with the stick near his face.

"Was that better than before?"

"Much better, apart from the part where you threw me to the floor."

"Sorry, do you want me to kiss it better?"

"That might help actually."

Our faces are so close together I can hear her heart beat rapidly. We stare into each other's eyes like the world stopped. Suddenly she kissed my lips so passionately. She moves her hands to my face. 

I wasn't gonna let her go now. I couldn't. I finally had her back but I didn't want to move so fast with her. I part my lips away from her and sat up straight and I could tell that she became slightly disappointed. I said,

"Clary I don't want to move too fast. I only just got you back I've lived without  you twice and I'm not losing you for the third time. I just don't want to rush you into anything especially a relationship with a guy you barely remember."

"I don't care Jace. I feel a connection with you, I feel like myself when I'm with you. I know we might be going to fast but I just want to go back to this life. And who said I don't remember you. I've seen you in every single dream I've had and I practically know everything about you. Ok maybe not the important things but I know that Alec is your parabatai, we both met outside a club, our first kiss was in the institute and that the last words I said to you were 'every cell in my body loves you, when those cells die and the new ones grow they will love you even more'. I said this before I left the last thing I said that told you I loved you."

I was shocked to see how much of her dreams were true. But the only thing that mattered to me was our first kiss

"You remember our first kiss."

"Of course it's never stopped playing in my head."

We smile at each other. Our training seemed to be finished for the day, no matter how much I wanted her to stay with me she needed to go back to her mundane life.

"Ok umm let's get you back to your apartment. Your mundane friends will be worried."

"Why can't I stay here? There is a place for me to sleep and try to remember my life."

"Clary it's too much of a risk."

"No it's not. Either you let me stay or I'm gonna throw the biggest tantrum in the institute."

"Fine, but we are going to your apartment to get some of your things and to tell your friends in person that you not gonna be home tonight."

"You mean a few days."

"As long as you want. For now"

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