Guilty or Not Guilty

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Clary's PoV

I had the most incredible night of my life. Me and Jace spent the wholenight talking and everything. I was happy about it. It felt like the best date we ever had. We got up and got ready and went to the kitchen. Jace made us both breakfast and made some extras for the others. We had a quiet and romantic breakfast. And soon Izzy and Simon came into the room still needing to get ready. They were happy to see me and Jace together and not being pissed with each other. Simon used his Seelie Queen to communicate with me and said,

"Did you find out?"

"Yep, I checked this morning while Jace was still asleep."

"I can't believe this is happening right now your --"

"Don't say anything Simon I swear to God I will kill you."

"I already am."

I stopped talking to him. He was seriously asking for a beat down. I needed to wait till the verdict then I could tell Jace. I saw Simon whispering to Isabelle. I knew he was gonna tell her but only if it was Izzy nobody else. Izzy had the biggest smile on her face and I felt like she was trying to force me to ask her why she was happy. I wasn't going to and I hope Jace didn't. But he asked.

"Izzy why are you super happy?"

"Lets say, I had the most epic night last night."

"So did we. Maybe Alec and Magnus did too?"

Jace said the most awkward thing. Now Simon and Isabelle knows we had sex. What else could happen today.

"You had sex. OMG!"

"What? We always do what's so surprising about it, we had a good night talking and everything all night"

"Izzy, stop saying things?"

Even Simon got uncomfortable when he replied to that. Soon, we all had a double breakfast date, we started talking about several things and Magnus and Alec came to join as. Isabelle obviously told them as well like she was in gossip girl. Alec said congratulates  Jace and me. But then we continued to talk. Simon started to take photos of us and said he was getting them framed. As we took some group photo, my mum came bursting into the room and said,

"Clary, it's time."

We all tidied the kitchen up and walked together to the trial room. All of them hugged me one by one and I sat down where I was for the past two days. I look at Raziel and he says,

"Clarissa, this is the time where you will be given your verdict. Before I announce it I would like the third person on each side to rise. And give your summary statement about the trial and Clarissa if you wish, you may give a personal statement."

I nodded my head. Imogen Herondale and the hooded person on my side both stood. Imogen said her piece first,

"This young lady, isn't ready to be apart of our world. If she were ready she would have trained when she was at the age of four years old. But she didn't. She has made so many decisions against the Law but it doesn't mean you do it anyway. The Law is hard but it is the Law. How many more things will she do breaking it. How many more wishes will she take away from us to prevent us from having peace in this world? If she didn't learn before how can she learn now? Thank you."

Imogen sat back down, neatening out her blouse. Next the stranger who nobody knew about stood infront of Raziel facing us. They took their hood down. I didn't recognise who it was until Magnus said loudly,

"Tessa Gray"

Tessa was medium height. She had the most beautiful glimmering brown hair. Her eyes were light brown colour. She began to introduce herself.

"I am Theresa Gray, daughter of a Greater Demon and Elizabeth Gray, who was born Adele Starkweather, one of your kind. I was the wife of William Herondale, who was the head of the London Institute, and I was the mother of James and Lucie. Will and I raised our Shadowhunter children to protect mundanes, to live by the Laws of Clave and Covenant, and to keep to the Accords. Once, I lived among the Shadowhunters. Once I might almost have seemed like a person to. I am here to defend Clarissa Fairchild in hope of changing the minds of the angels. Clary may not seem like a normal child. Because she isn't. She has angel blood running through her veins. Meaning she is an ancestor of an angel. Wouldn't that mean she has a job of protecting the world full of mundanes. All she is doing is what I taught my children all those years ago. To protect the mundanes. She has done that plenty of times and not only mundanes but Downworlders. Now why should she be punished for doing her job. The first time I met Clary was the second year she was born. I saw a toddler whose heart was willing to save others. I knew this girl was going to be a hero. Thank you for your time this evening. May the Angel bless your soul."

She came back to sit down. All I could do was stare at her and admire her. I don't even remember her.

"Clarissa Adele Fairchild, would you like to give a person statement."

"Yes, Angel Raziel."

I stood up and went to the front of the room facing all of the people I knew. I began to speak and you could tell how confident I was.

"I'm Clary Fray. Well that was who I was. That was the first identity given to me. But now I'm Clary Fairchild. I know who I want to be. I know what I want to do. I want to be a Shadowhunter and I want to protect the world by demons. Yeah I may have enjoyed my time as an artist but not knowing about my true identity made me feel like the odd one out. I will always think about my lie as a mundane but being a Shadowhunter is important to me. It gives me the responsibility that I want to fulfil. Something that isn't easy to do. But it is for me. Being Shadowhunter will always be a second, near first priority. But protecting my family, friends and strangers will always be my first and main priority. And if I come back with a guilty verdict, I wouldn't care because I will still protect others in a different way even if I'm not with my family. Thank you for defending me or being friends with me and loving and caring for me. I will always appreciate it."

Slowly I sit back in my seat and sigh in relief. I turnaround to see my friends smile at me, nearly all of them have tears in their eyes or rolling down their face. I turn back to face Raziel with all the hope I have. Instantly, a fire message appeared in his hand, now it's time.

"Clarissa Adele Fairchild, please rise."

I stood up, with my arms shaking. I hold my mom's hand in my right and Johnathan's in my left.

"Clarissa, the Angels are emotionally affected by your statement. They are pleased by those standing by your side. They do worry that you could become endangered and that you will risk everything to prevent tragedy. But they want to give you back your life. They feel that it was the wrong thing for me to have taken it in the first place. Therefore Clarissa, you are declared NOT GUILTY!"

Everybody shouted in excitement and victory. Hugged my mom and brother together and then Tessa. Magnus created confetti out of his magic and him and Alec hugged me. Izzy and me had a long hug and Simon interrupted feeling jealous. Last but not least is Jace. I look at him with a smile on my face and jump into his arms. He twirls me into his arms and kisses me. I realised that now I have to tell him about yesterday. But not yet. Instantly Raziel raised his voice in order for us to shut up and listen, he said,

"Clarissa, you will need to say your goodbyes to your mother and brother. They will be leaving in the next two hours. Whereas for me and the prosecutors we will be leaving now. Good luck Clarissa."

Slowly, one by one, each them disappeared. I was happy to have my life back. But now I had to say goodbye to two important people in my life.

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