Bottled up Emotions

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Jace's POV

I woke up at the institute feeling happy. This day was different to any other day. This day was the day I knew Clary could have a proper chance at becoming a Shadowhunter again.

I need to  get ready and go and find Alec, Isabelle, Magnus, Luke and Simon. I walk out of the room, excited to see how they will react. 

Since the wedding, Alec became the Inquisitor and Magnus became High Warlock of Alicante, since Lorenzo was still High Warlock in Brooklyn. They both now raise Madzie as their daughter and plan to adopt another child.

 Simon and Isabelle have been a couple ever since. Isabelle became the Head of the New York institute while Simon was still a Daylighter. Like always but he and his sister have become more closer but he is still suffering some times without his mum by his side. 

Luke was back to being a Shadowhunter as before he was head of the New York Pack but he gave that job to Maia, who is soon to be finished with her new restaurant to bring the shadow world together.  Luke hasn't been completely struggling. Yeah, losing his daughter was hard on him but he had Maryse Lightwood by his side. They got married two months ago. It was a small wedding but it was good wedding, since Maryse was stripped of her runes before she got to become a Shadowhunter again but she needs to go back to training before she gets her angelic rune back. 

I don't know how there gonna react. Simon told me not to stalk Clary anymore and that I should leave her alone. But both of us knew that it wouldn't happen. Isabelle and Alec did the best they could. They owe it to Clary because of what she did but they stopped helping a few months ago when I began to get angry and stressed. The only people who really helped me was Magnus and Luke. They would do anything for Clary but not as much as me. I see all of them discussing a demon attack but that could wait. Clary was more important than some demon at that moment in time at least. 

I walks up to them and says,

"Guys I have some news to tell you." 

Instantly everybody looks up to see me with a big smile on my face. A smile they haven't seen in a year since Clary's memory was taken. They were happy to see that the one of the people they loved the most in the world was happy. Though they questioned why. Especially Simon.

"What is it?  Don't tell me you burnt down a building or you stole something of Simon's or that you broke a seraph blade!" Alec said this with concern.

"No, for your information I didn't do that. At least not today anyway. I actually have better news to tell you."

Simon's face suddenly became ashamed and mortified to what he thinks I'm gonna say. Even though he should be happy he might get his best friend back. He was afraid about what could happen if she did. 

"Jace, tell me you didn't do what I told you not to do. Tell me that you didn't." 

Everybody around looked so confused to what me and Simon were talking about. Magnus and Luke seemed to realise what my good news was since a smile began to mark their faces. Though Alec and Izzy were still confused. 

"I didn't do anything Simon. Alright, she saw through my glamour, I didn't say anything, I didn't want her to see me there."

Alec and Izzy looked directly at each other and suddenly they both knew what I was talking about.

"What do you mean she saw you, Jace? If your glamour was activated how could she see through it?" Simon continued with his stupid questions as if he didn't understand what I said. 

"I mean that Clary saw me at the gallery. She saw me. It was like when she saw me at the club more than a year ago. She saw right through me. How? I don't have a clue, alright. But I think the angels are starting to see how inseparable we are and that our love will never die no matter what happens."

A tear rolled off my face encouraging the others to show sympathy. All I could think about was Clary.  For the past year it was Clary. Since I met her, everything I did and what I still do is for her. 

Alec walked towards me, his parabatai, pulling me into a hug. I let out every single tear I was hiding away and finally revealed to everybody the struggle I was suffering in for the past year. 

My phone began to ring. I pulled out my phone to see Clary calling me. I pick it up,

"Clary, are you alright? What's wrong?"

"I need you to come to my apartment. We need to talk. Talk about what happened? I need to know everything you know."

"Alright, I'm on my way now. See you Clary."

I cut the phone, desperate to get away and go to her. Me and Alec exchange a look. He let me go. Everybody turned and saw me run to see my soulmate.

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