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Clary's PoV

Its been a week. A week since my party. A week since he proposed to me. I didn't think this would happen even though I wanted it to happen. Before planning the wedding, I needed to plan mine and Izzy's parabatai ceremony. That was something decided on way before this engagement. I have started to get in the habit of talking to my unborn baby. Some people will begin to think I am crazy.

I started to think about Johnathan a few days ago. I remembered his daughter, Ash, was the threat. I decided that I needed to met her, so I asked Meliorn to bring her to the institute's garden. A person who is a Seelie and Shadowhunter can lie, like Helen Blackthorn. But that didn't matter if she could or not. I promise my brother to look after her and that is what I will do.

An hour later, Meliorn enters the Garden and behind him, hiding from a potential stranger was a little girl. She had dark ginger hair that came up to her waist. Her eyes looked like mom's but her face almost replicated Johnathan's. I go on my knees and say,

"Hi, Ash. I'm Clary. Clary Fairchild. I'm your father's sister. I am your Aunt."

She looked at me from behind Meliorn and I could see a smile appear on her face. She slowly came out of her hiding spot and stood in front of me. She said,

"Where's my Dad?"

"He is watching us from the sky."

"Why can't he come down, Aunt Clary?"

"Because he asked me to keep you safe and that he could only come down when the time is right."

"Ok Aunt Clary."

"Ash call me Clary."

She nodded her head. She wrapped her arms around me and started laughing. Suddenly, I got a vision:

"I need to find Ash. I need to find her before she kills him, Jace."

"Before she kills who?"

"Our son, Jace."

Ash is standing in the middle of the institute staring at us all. She puts her hand out and automatically our child is in her hands. Then she disappears. I fall to the ground and scream. I scream until the world can hear my echo for help. Jace kneels next to me and tells me everything will be fine that our son is strong.

I snap out of the vision and ask Ash,

"Did you see that Ash?"

"See what, Clary."

"Nothing I thought I saw something."

I look up to Meliorn. He knows what I saw. He knows how big of a threat Ash is.

I need to tell Jace.

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