Familiar Strangers

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Clary's PoV

I stand outside the institute with Jace , hand in hand, nothing jogs my memory yet. I am beginning to become impatient and annoyed at the angels. How could they be so selfish and unreasonable. I saved the world and they repay me like this.

"You sure you want to come with me, Clary. You can always go back."

"No, I want to. I need to. Now stop trying to get rid of me and lets go in."

Jace opens the door to the institute. At first I can't see anything but dirt, and stone but after a few seconds everything changes. The whole abandoned place turns into this beautiful place with coloured windows and decorated ancient walls like in one of my paintings.

Nobody sees us entering, so we begin fast walking towards the rooms. Once we get there it is empty. We stand outside one door with the words 'Clary Fairchild. We miss you'. I stare at the door. This was - is my room. Its still mine. Jace opens the door and once we walk in he shuts the door so nobody knows were here. Nobody is inside but its covered with drawings and sketchbooks and charcoal and pencils. Everything is untouched.

There is a small corner of the room with photos of me and strangers I don't seem to recognise. It's covered in flowers. One photo that stands out to me is photo of me and my mum.  I walked towards the photo an picked it up. She has the same runes as Jace and so do I.

"How did my mum die? Why did she leave me?"

Jace seemed shocked by the question. He must of felt like he didn't want me to know.

"She didn't want to leave you. She was killed by a demon. It possessed Alec and he had no control of what he was doing. So the demon ripped your mum's.... they ripped her heart out."

I burst into tears and collapsed onto the floor. Jace immediately, held me close to his chest and kissed my forehead.  As I try to calm down I say,

"I thought she died in a car crash. I knew it wasn't true because she was always so careful and if it didn't happen she would still be here with me. I always knew it wasn't true but I would rather believe that than her having a horrible death."

All of a sudden, the door opened,

"Jace we were looking every where for you... ."

Jace PoV

Me and Clary turn around to face the person who opened the door. It was Simon. Shit. Another lecture.

"Jace what the fricking hell did you do? She ISN'T supposed to BE here."

"She wanted to come. Even if I said no she would have followed me."

Simon gave me the disappointed look.

"Wait, I know you don't I?"

Clary began to question Simon. When she spoke to him he became more anxious than me.

"No, you don't know me. We haven't met."

"You're lying. There is a picture of us in the corner. Wait your... . Your Simon, right?"

Simon had tears in his eyes. Instead of a lecture from a vampire, I might get a thank you instead, I was running low on thank yous lately.

"You remember me, Fray. But you can't the Angel took everything away. Including me. I was your best friend since we were six years old."

"I've seen you in my dream. I buried you and you became a vampire."

Simon didn't know what to say. Soon after Isabelle and Magnus came into the room. They both looked confused and and shocked to what they were seeing right now. the room was full on silent. Soon Magnus said,


And she seemed familiar with that nickname.

"Magnus" she replied unsure of what was happening.

"You remember me."

"I don't know. I've had dreams. Dreams of you, Simon, Jace. Alec and Isabelle."

Isabelle looked at Clary with tears rolling down her cheek. She went and hugged Clary. She didn't care if she didn't remember completely but she knew who she was. Isabelle whispered,

"My parabatai"

Isabelle pulled away from Clary.

"What are these dreams exactly?"

Magnus said this in extreme concern. It sounded like this wasn't a normal thing to happen.

"These dreams weren't normal they were all about this place, about a different life and all of you were in it amount other people like my mum. They made me feel at home. But I guess now I'm actually at home."

Hearing Clary say she felt at home healed my heart. She only knew this place was really real for like a day and she hasn't gone crazy yet. Normally telling a mundane isn't a very wise choice.

"Biscuit there is a chance that these dreams were a message from the angel. But the only Angel that could send you messages to you and Jace included is Angel Itherial."

"What does that mean?"

"It means an angel is sending you messages but its impossible."

"But why is it impossible? Hasn't it happened before?"

Magnus stared at me and I stared back at him. It was impossible. It was the strangest thing that could be happening. 

"Jace, tell me what it is. Please."

"Clary, we both have pure angel blood because of one person. Your father. Before you were born, he injected angel blood into your mother causing you to have angel blood but he didn't realise he was giving you angel blood. When I was a baby he experimented on me. He injected me with angel-blood. You started to have these visions of runes months after you found out about us. Me and you discovered that your father, Valentine, was keeping angel Itherial hostage."

"That's impossible. We don't see angels and stuff. Its physically impossible."

"No its not, cause we freed Itherial Clary. But he died, he was killed by Lilith - the Queen of Edom.  He was killed because he was trying to help you after you summoned him to earth."

"An angel died because of me."

"Not because of you Clary, we didn't know Lilith was going to kill him just to get to you."

"Is there a chance I have another Angels blood?"

"Its less likely, if you do then how Valentine got it I don't know."

"Then we need to be prepared. We need to look into this."

"No Clary, there is no we in this. Your not a Shadowhunter anymore, all of us but you will handle this."

"But Jace..."

"No buts Clary, its final."

Isabelle moved towards Clary and faced her and said,

"Lets forget about this for now. I have a surprise for you. Come on, let's go."

Isabelle drags Clary by the hand out of the room. We all follow behind her and I keep thinking if I am doing the right thing.

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