Chapter Seventeen

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Hello everyone! im back from hiatus with this story i just woke up this morning suddenly knew i was ready to get back into it. so here i am a few hours later with a fresh chapter! so enjoy and please. comment, vote, become a fan, oh recoomended it to a friend!


“What do you mean its Quinton’s daughter?” I screamed jumping up out of his grasp al I saw was red and if I didn’t calm down soon I would lose it.

“Darcie--” Dad started but I backed away further.

“Dad, what do you mean?” I demanded. I could see Trinity from the corner of my eyes and she was standing still, unmoving that reaction scared me out of the anger that I felt.

“Trin?” I asked causing her to snap out of it.

“I just realised something” she whispered looking at Keith then me, Camille was quiet too.

“What?” I questioned watching the silent exchange between my girlfriend and father.

“What do we know about him?” I snapped my eyes to Camille the moment the words left her lips.

“Mum?” I murmured as my anger ran off scurrying beneath the rug that I was standing on.

“I know what he did to you but what about him? What did he do? Who’s his wife? If he has one. Did he hurt his daughter too? Does he have other victims? What’s his last name?” she paused to take a breath.

“We don’t know anything about him yet he knows us and apparently so does his daughter” Trinity added I suddenly couldn’t support myself and my knees slammed to the ground with a jolt. None of this had ever crossed my mind because when I think about him I’m transported back to what he used to do. What if other girls have been hurt? I looked up at Keith and he was shaking his head.

“I’m sorry Darcie I can’t give that information to you”

“Why not?” I whispered suddenly wanting nothing more than to sleep.

“Because it’s confidential; whatever I had access to is for my eyes only I’m sorry” I nodded looking at the rug starting to think it looked comfortable like a marshmallow, they were soft and squishy, maybe with a chocolate pillow so I could eat it and get fat then he won’t get me again…shit I fell asleep.

“You did and now you’re all mine” his voice echoed around me and I knew I had to run; my legs began to move but I didn’t get anywhere and soon he was grabbing me by the hair and I was screaming.

“Darcie, Darcie louder, scream louder just for me” he moaned and pulled the hair from my scalp.

“No” I murmured then closed my eyes remembering I had a baby; I was the only one I could protect her.

“Yes” he moaned again.

“I said no” I yelled and pushed him away breaking the power of the dream, I awoke to a soft pillow against my cheek and a sweaty entanglement of sheets and blankets. I jumped out of bed and went to the shower. As I cleaned away the remaints of my nightmare I formed a plan in my head.

Soon enough I was out, dressed and ready to go. I sat on my bed and I looked at my phone. It was six minutes to two eesh it’s a little early… my mind rolled its eyes at me…okay a lot early but he would understand. Whist my internal mind fought for domination in logic I had switched on the laptop and began to wait for it to start.

I don’t want another pre—

“Hello” I answered knowing who it was by the ringtone.

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