Chapter Twenty-One

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Hello my wonderful readers,
I hope you have been enjoying 'One Question' so far! As you know i have never been 100% on the title and I am happy to say that i have finally come up with a title I am happy with. From this chapter on ' One Question' will now be 'Hidden Within' with only four chapters to go i am not ready t quite say goodbye to  Daciana and Trinity so there will be a sequel! any way i hope you enjoy this chapter and continue to comment any suggestions, thoughts or constructive criticisms.

Love you all, ENJOY!!


I sighed as I taped up another box and wrote what was in it across the brown surface. The smell of permanent marker hung in the air and I didn’t want to admit it but the fumes were making me a bit light headed. I had been packing and thinking all morning and I was already tired yet I couldn’t stop it was as if my mind needed me to do something with my hands as I thought.

You aren’t okay, you know it. Why do you keep denying it? My dark thoughts whispered and I frowned.

I’m not denying it, I am fine.

Riiiight, your having nightmares, you jump at every sound, you have been having dizzy spells and sudden weaknesses. You’re so far from okay yet your still in denial.

I threw open my cupboard and began to rip out the clothes inside and throw them onto the bed.

Now you’re ignoring me?

I’m not ignoring you I am simply busy. I froze did I really just refer to myself as a third person?

Something hard hit the ground and I looked down to see a familiar book, I picked it up and flicked through the bloody pages with the blades tied to it in ribbons.

It was my blood journal, not in words but through the story written in my blood. Without words; I remembered everything from every page just the sting wasn’t as much as it was. I had Trinity to thank for that.

I toyed with the clean steel blades and wasn’t surprised when my finger was nicked and began to seep with blood. I put my finger to my mouth and sucked it in filling my mouth with a coppery taste and I was suddenly transported back to a time I had tried to lock my door and fight off Quinton but my mother had given him a key and whilst I was trying to move the bed in front of the door he had slipped inside and slapped me so hard that I fell and hit my head on the bed post.

Everything had gone black and when I became conscious he was on top of me I went to scream but decided to save my strength instead I waited for the moment that he would let his guard down and then I kneed him where it would hurt most. He howled with pain and then punched me in the ribs so hard I heard the crack.

I had bitten my tongue in an attempt to stop my scream of pain and my mouth filled with blood which I spat into his face. No matter what he did to me I wanted him to remember that I had some fight in me. He slapped me across the face over and over again but I refused to make a sound and then he pressed his finger to my cracked rib and pushed down. I tried to pull away but he simply pressed harder.

“Darcie, Darcie, Darcie. You hurt my feelings be nicer next time ey?” then with a final jab he got off me and untied my arms then walked out the room. Once I heard the door close did I let my sob come out and the tears to fall. I had slowly gotten changed then with great difficulty snuck out of the house and drove myself to hospital.

When they had seen me trying to breathe and stand up straight they rushed me to a room and wrapped my ribs.

“What happened?” they kept asking but I couldn’t speak I just kept trying to breathe. Finally someone said to call the police and that was when I spoke.

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