Chapter twelve

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Hello fellow readers,

first of all i want to say to justateenagegirl15 you honeslty made my day. thank you so much for commenting.

secondly i want to say im sorry it took me so long to update. i realised i have been working on this story since may and at the start i was uploading the chapter every 3-7 days nows it feels like once a month which isnt good. 

thirdly i want to say comment, vote and spread around the story if you enjoy it. i love the feedback and the critiscms. i promise to upload more often infact tomorrow i am hoping to have chapter thirteen up.

so enjoy!!!!!!!!!


I got home and collapsed on the bed, today had not gone well at all. After Gladys had gone to the principal a meeting had been called to discuss if I was allowed to graduate. Camille had shown up, pissed off and they decided to suspend me until they had reached a decision. I buried my face in my pillow and cried. They didn’t know the circumstances behind it; all they saw was a pregnant teen still in high school.

My phone rang; I frowned at the screen as an unknown number showed up.

“Hello?” I answered wiping my eyes and tried to sound emotionally stable.

“Daciana, Camille called and told me what happened would you like to meet up for tea and talk about it?” Keith asked I rolled over to stare up at the ceiling.

“Do you find it odd that you asking if I need help eighteen years after I was born?” I put my best bitchy tone on. I heard him sigh.

“I can never apologize enough for that Daciana, I would like to be a part of your life now as I always did except now I have the chance if you would let me even if it’s only to assist you in anything that my legal profession can help with” he sounded so sad and resigned and I instantly felt bad.

“I’m sorry, just been a rough few days. I would like to” not really feeling up to working at the café tonight anyway.

“I will have to tell Camille that I can’t work tonight” I added but Keith already knew.

“Its fine, she suggested it. I will pick you up at six?” I looked over at the clock and noticed it was already five which instantly had me sitting up. I can’t believe I was sitting here this whole time.

“See you then” I muttered and hung up so that I could quickly dash to the shower. Ten minutes later I was wrapped in a towel trying to decide what to wear. I finally landed on an off the shoulder top that hugged my chest and stomach but hung off my wrists, and then I put on black skinny jeans and my boots. I paused when I walked passed my mirror to take in my reflection. I wasn’t showing so I still had the taunt stomach and skinny build from all those years being a gymnast. I sighed longingly I missed the beam, where I felt where I belonged.

I walked to the bathroom to quickly blow dry my hair to make it wavy then I added some mascara, eyeliner and lip stick. My door bell rang a few seconds after I had finished applying the last layer of lipstick. I opened the door and saw Keith standing there in a black suit, no tie.

“Always wear suits?” I asked as a way of saying hello causing him to laugh.

“I’m a lawyer these are my only type of clothes” he stepped forward and went to kiss my cheek which had me step away from quickly, my heart beating in fear.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t think” he instantly apologized.

“Its fine, I’m not used to innocent male contact and all that” I willed myself to calm down; Keith was not like Quinton I kept chanting in my head.

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