Chapter six

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Hey i know i promised that i would upload every day but i tried last night and my net was spazzing out so i couldnt, so here is chapter six. Please comment doesnt matter what you say as long as you do haha.



“Daciana, what happened?” I asked putting my hands on both side of her face to get her to look at me. Her eyes were puffy from crying. I looked at every inch of her face. Her piercings glittered in the sun. I followed down her neck then frowned. She had red marks that looked like finger prints.

“Drew do you know what happened?” I inquired. Daciana was looking into my eyes.

“No idea, she came into music like this. I pulled her out straight away. We spent the class in the hallway” he answered. I nodded then looked at Daciana.

“Tell me” I ordered she nodded.

“I was walking to music and I was pulled into the toilet. She grabbed my throat and said what he used to say to me. I felt like I was back in my room, then I struck out. I hit her and she let go. Then she” I saw Daciana frown, she was looking at me but she wasn’t seeing me. She touched two fingers to her lips.

“She kissed me, I hit her again and ran” she looked into my eyes tears were rimming it again. “Please don’t be angry with me. I didn’t kiss her back; I don’t like her that way. She is mean and cruel and evil. I thought I had told her enough yesterday, then you this morning” I suddenly got who she was talking about.

“Chloe? She tried to strangle you?” I screeched. Daciana flinched and took a step back.

“Please don’t be angry with me, I didn’t want it to happen” she implored, I pulled her into a firm hug.

“Awww honey, I’m not angry at you. I’m angry at her. She had no right to do what she did.” I felt her tightened her hold on me as she tried to calm down. I looked at Drew who was behind her. I mouthed a thank you to him, he nodded then we all sat down.

“Oh my, I’m such an idiot. Breaking down in front of you both today” Daciana mumbled rubbing her wrists. She winced but I don’t think she noticed that she was doing it. She was too busy being embarrassed about crying and freaking out in front of Drew and Amanda.

“It’s ok, we heard what you’re going through at the moment” Amanda reassured as I reached out my hand to hold onto Daciana so she would stop playing the bandages that I knew were hidden under her shirt.

“Yeah, its fine. Not every day I get to hug a lesbian chick as she cries” Drew joked gently punching Daciana who to my surprise laughed and punched him back. She began to play with her lip ring in her free hand. Meaning she was thinking about something.

“Amanda right?” Daciana suddenly asked looking at the Goth.

“Yeah that’s right” she smiled.

“Where is your boyfriend, you are always together” Daciana commented then looked down. I laughed knowing what she was thinking. Amanda didn’t know that Daciana watched everyone in the school. She knew a lot of things about everything. I frowned slightly. She didn’t know that Chloe would kiss her. That made no sense was she a closet lesbian?

“He is home sick today, I don’t hang out with anyone else, is it cool if I chill with you guys?” she inquired suddenly looking at me doubtful.

“Yeah its fine. I’m just not used to it, in a span of two weeks I have gone from only hanging out with myself to having three people to sit with” Daciana marvelled. Her smile already back in place I pulled her against me and kissed her neck.

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