Chapter five

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Hello!! im back form my holiday. was good to get away but i did miss uploading hahaha. so i wrote a few chapters so maybe an upload a day until i run out of days? haha enjoy and please comment.


A week later…

I sat at the base of the tree sketching the dream I had the night before.

It was the night of the carnival, the look of Daciana when she looked at the fireworks. Then the second sketch was when she looked at me and asked.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” it had almost stopped my heart. Just thinking about it now made my heart beat erratically.

I continued drawing the look in her eyes as she went to ask me. The last firework reflected across her face. I closed my eyes and leaned back. She had timed it perfectly. That whole night was perfect.

“Yes” I whispered almost inaudibly it took a few seconds for it to register in her mind before a large smile had spread across her face and she kissed me.

An explosion of passion, we fought for dominance in the kiss neither of us winning. When the ride was over we went back to the car and she dropped me off at home, she even walked me to the door and gave me a goodnight kiss that left me wanting more. She winked at me and drove away. I sighed dreamily.

“You know that I’m here, if your thinking about the kiss you can ask for another” Daciana joked from up in the tree. It was her first day back, since her suicide attempt. The rumours were pretty bad so she was content sitting up in the tree away from prying eyes.

I laughed as I stood up and allowed her to pull me up into the tree. I sat in my usual spot and leant close to her.

“You mean this kiss?” I huskily asked then kissed her gently on the lips; I pulled away and watched a frown spread across her brow. She even pouted slightly. It screamed adorable. She leaned forward and claimed me. We were interrupted by none other than the annoying Chloe. My chest tightened this wasn’t going to be good.

“Awww its new and suicide girl” I looked down at her. She was in a pink pleated mini skirt with a tight white top that screamed cheap porn.

“Piss off Chloe” I spat then looked at Daciana who was staring at Chloe like she wanted to rip her to pieces. Uh oh this definitely won’t end well.

“Awww did I hurt the dykes feelings?” she taunted while her two sidekicks laughed. I ground my teeth together. I was not in the mood for this today. I forced a fake laugh it was eerie how it sounded like theirs.

“Not at all, in fact I’m happy as can be” my voice sounded as plastic as Pamela Anderson’s boobs.

Daciana jumped down and stalked over to Chloe. I quickly got down too and stood by her side.

“I see you” Daciana admitted standing close to Chloe. “I see you for what and who you are. On the inside you’re a scared little girl who lashes out because she wants to control something in her life. I understand it more than you know but unlike you I don’t be a bitch about it” Chloe’s mouth dropped open then closed and re-opened like she wanted to say something but couldn’t.

I stared at Daciana she had a scary small smile on and was just looking into Chloe’s eyes.

Chloe finally found her words.

“How dare you call me a bitch, I will make you wish you were never b-” she trilled but Daciana’s humourless chuckle stopped her.

“Oh for fuck sake Chloe, get another line. Haven’t you heard? I already have wished that. Every day for over ten years there is nothing that can be done to me now that hasn’t already. Grow up” with that Daciana took my hand and we walked away. I looked at my girlfriend and marvelled at how strong she looked. Then I saw the undercurrent of pain coursing through her. She hid it well but not enough.

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