Chapter thirteen

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Hello my fellow fans, please dont kill me i know i have taken way too long to upload a chapter and it is entirely my own minds fault. it seems on my favourite chapter my brain wanted to have writers block and refused to write. i was also still dealing with my migraines and personal issues blah blah snore! you dont want to know! you just want to read so... here it is! 

Vote, Comment or just follow it XD


 I awoke and instantly felt the butterflies form in my stomach. I had the interview at one o’clock I looked over towards the clock and saw that it was only seven thirty. I got up and went to the shower after ten minutes I was washed, cleaned and shaved. I looked through my wardrobe and tried to find something to wear. I finally settled on a black pencil skirt that went just past my knees and split up the side then I wore a cream shirt that hung low at the back like I had a tail with a grey vest and a black tie. I put my hair up in a bun and placed chopstick like sticks in it to keep the bun in place.

“Honey?” mum asked opening the door. She looked positively tired.

“Morning mum” I smiled at her as I turned around to face her. Her smile was brief and she looked cautious.

“How are you this morning, you look positively radiant” I laughed.

“Thanks, I’m alright. No offence mum but you look terrible. Rough shift?” she nodded then threw me the keys.

“Yeah was a long double shift. I would go with you but-" I laughed.

“Its fine mum, I will tell you all about it when I get home. Go sleep” she walked over and gave me a hug.

“Good luck, not that you need it. I love you” I kissed her cheek then she began to retreat.

“Love you too mum” I whispered as she closed the door. Something was wrong she was not acting her usual self. I looked around my room and found my phone in the bathroom where I had left it the other day. The screen had cracked and the battery was out of it, man I was a shitty girlfriend no wonder she hadn’t called.

I grabbed the broken phone and took it back to my room then I put it in my bag by the door. I quickly put on skin coloured stockings and black dress shoes then I began to load everything into the car. Deciding not to say goodbye to mum and let her just sleep so I drove towards unlucky thirteen. The bell signalled my arrival and I was instantly met with the aromas and sound of coffee.

“Trinity child, my don’t you look stylish” Camille beamed from the counter; I quickly made my way over to the motherly figure of Daciana. She looked tired, like she hadn’t slept the night before.

“Good morning Camille, I have my interview today so I will have a cappuccino and two sugars oh and a hot chocolate with mint for Darcie” Camille placed the order through then frowned.

“I don’t know if she is allowed to have that whilst she is in the hospital” my heart clenched.

“Hospital?” I stammered out making her look up.

“Sarah didn’t tell you child?” I shook my head what would she have to tell me? Sudden fear welled up in my body.

“What happened?” she began to make the drinks so I followed her along the counter.

“She was working yesterday and she took a fall we thought she was fine but then she doubled over. I rushed her to hospital” I didn’t allow her to finish.

“Don’t worry about the drinks” I called then rushed out the door. I drove to the hospital so fast I barely remembered the drive. Cursing my mother and my own anger that I had taken out on my phone.

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