Chapter Twenty

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Hello my fellow wattpadians, im so sorry for the delays with the chapters. my mind hasnt been allowing me to write because it knows that this story is coming to an end it also refuses to acknowledge that their will be a sequel to this story.

i hope you enjoy this chapter and comment, reccomend it to others!

i love you all!! please enjoy!


I woke up to a pink and orange hue filling my bedroom and I know that it's still early not even six yet. 
I couldn’t sleep any longer even if I had been at the hospital only two hours before. Pulling back the blanket I manage to manoeuvre myself out of bed which is a hard thing to do considering my rather large middle. Suppressing a yawn I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower, I'm awake now so may as well start my day even if I am exhausted from the get goes. 
I pull the extra large men's top off my body enjoying the cool air that invades the privacy of my skin and causes goosebumps to rise. I slide out of my short shorts, pull out my hair and get in. I'm in a total of ten seconds before there is a knock at the door and Camille comes in. She sits by the bath and looks down at the floor. I feel bad that I have woken her up but I can't sleep a second longer and I can't tell her the nightmares are back and are getting worse.
"What's worrying you child?" She asks finally as I shut off the water and get out she hands me a towel to wrap my body in then as I sit against the bath she begins to dry my hair with another towel; it's all so soothing I almost forget to answer.
"Just can't sleep. A lot is going to happen within the next few days" I reply trying to sound casual about it all but deep down I know that it's impossible not to feel scared.
"Graduation, court case, moving" Camille ticked off and I nodded.
"When I was a young girl no more than fifteen I got myself into quite a bit of trouble. See back then black women weren't still accepted as they should have been and the fact that I was an open lesbian made it all the more scandalous but me being me I fell in love with a white woman she was stunning, fiery personality made you mad more than she made you happy but that spark turned to flames and we fell deeply. We threw caution to the wind and of course people were outraged they threatened us not outright but in subtle ways. Boys older than I was at the time decided to show us what we were missing out on so one day they took us as we were walking home from school. We screamed and cried to be let go but they just laughed and held us down. They took turns with us, taking poor Darlene first we lost count of the hours they had us but when we were finally found Darlene had lost herself she wasn't there anymore. We had a court case, I fretted for weeks and weeks scared that Darlene would take her life or she would leave me but she managed to do neither instead the night before the trial began her father approached me he begged for me to leave. Let Darlene get her life back, I was to blame he kept saying it was my fault finally I just bowed my head and walked away" I didn't realise I was crying until Camille wiped them away her eyes were glassy as if she were somewhere else yet she could still see me.
"Darlene was put in an institution no more than a week after I left. She had fallen pregnant and when she found out she had tried to self abort almost losing her life in the process. I never forgave myself for what happened to her, I lay awake most nights wishing I could turn back the clock but I can't. You have your issues to sort out as do other people but your strong, you will get through it." She told me wiping my eyes once more then got up to walk out before I stopped her. 
"What happened to Darlene?" She smiled softly at me. 
"She got the help she needed. She wrote me one day saying that she had met a man. Gay would you believe who wanted to be married so he wouldn't shame his family. She can't be touched now unless permission is given. She eventually wanted kids and he gave them to her. They have been happily married for twenty years now no one knows their secret" she smiled softly then walked out. 
I sat there frozen for a while. Did she really get the help she needed if she can't even be touched? 
Yeah and like you can My mind whispered I frowned and shook my head that was different.
Was it? Admit it you hate to be touched unless you have given permission.  Only by strangers I argued but my mind never replied. Feeling angry with myself I walked out of the bathroom and put on clothes for the day. Then I walked out to see a hot chocolate on the table waiting for me. 
I loved Camille she didn't deserve any of what she went through. I can't imagine the effects and damage that would have caused. 
When it was seven o'clock I grabbed the car keys, went outside and got into it. Should I tell someone where I'm going? I wondered but then thought better of it. Why worry them?
I reversed out the driveway and began to drive to the address of Valerie Houston. When I got there I was surprised to see that the house looked immaculate, white brick as big as a mansion.

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