Chapter ten

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Hello my fans! i know i am taking a while to update and i really do apoligize and im really sorry to say that i may not be on for a while because of my health. i have been having migraines over the past few years and they have been steadily getting worse i wont go into detail but i will say that i cant be on technology for very long until it starts to cause me pain. so i will be writing down my chapters then when i am well i will type and post them. Comments, votes or anything are greatly appreciated and hopefully i will be back soon.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to a very good friend of mine who upon reading my chapters will either stop speaking to me if she doesnt like it or demand the next one uploaded as soon as she has finished even if it is one in the morning for this i love her because she keeps me motivated and honest. 



“Will you let me love you and be your girlfriend?”

So here it is. That one question that changes everything. Could I follow my heart allow someone in? A simple yes or no question that could change my whole life and everything I have ever known. I looked down at Trinity she knelt down in front of me looking up at me with those large blue eyes I still could never get a fix on what shade of blue they were. Today it looked like earth covered in clouds even green was speckled through it. Her red hair was plaited down her back that crossed over her shoulder.

I had had the sudden urge to touch it, just to reach out and stroke her hair. I watched as she bit her lip a sign that she was anxious and worried. I knew that I had to answer but by saying yes I was opening up to so much pain yet by saying no I was doing the same so what was the difference? The answer was simple. Love.

She was offering me a completely different life because she loved me. I looked into her gorgeous eyes. As I went to utter that one syllable my phone rang.

“I’m sorry, one second” I whispered then grabbed my phone. Private number flashed on the screen, frowning I answered the call.

“Hello?” I asked. A gruff man’s voice rang out through the phone.

“Hello is this Daciana Thatcher?”

“It is and you are?” I questioned.

“hello miss Thatcher I am constable Ross I’m in charge of the case against you and a Richard, Cynthia and Quinton” I flinched I had never heard his name before; images of all those nights flashed before my eyes.

“Yes, what about them?”  I quickly blurted trying to clear my head.

“The first court case is tomorrow. You aren’t required to attend it’s just the plea case but I wanted to let you know” I choked on my words for a second before continuing.

“Thank you” I whispered and he hung up.

I looked to Trinity who had sat beside me during the phone call.

“What’s wrong?” she asked I looked up at her. Her eyes searched my face and I tried to get back the feelings she had generated in me just minutes before but he had wheedled his way into my mind and I couldn’t get it out. It was like the sun had gone behind the clouds and the shadows had coloured everything grey. Everything good was now tainted. She saw the change in my face and I saw the tears in her eyes. She got up and ran out of the room just as Camille walked into the room.

“What happened?” she asked I shook my head and lay down.

“The court case is tomorrow, the plea hearing I don’t know if I’m going to attend or not” I replied but Camille shook her head.

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