Chapter Twenty- Four

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I rolled over trying to get more sleep, no that’s not even right I gave up on sleeping five minutes after I laid down which was over eight hours ago, sleeping most of the day hadn’t been a good idea like it seemed at the time.

I was rolling over to get comfortable but baby Ciara was having none of that. She wanted me to be awake, she knew I was worrying; she could feel it and it was making her restless.

Just three hours to go until the court case, until utter chaos or lasting peace.

How long would they get?

Be honest with yourself, that’s not the right question to ask and you know it. I rolled my eyes having no choice but to agree with my annoying little mind.

How long would I be safe for?

Instead of pondering that question I pulled myself out of bed, I was cold which was weird since I had three blankets on my bed… okay I missed Trinity.

I hadn’t heard from her since yesterday when she text to say she read my letter but we hadn’t actually spoken properly since we said our goodbyes.

I went to the bathroom, turned on the tap to the bath and waited for it to get deep enough to get in. the baby kicked as I lowered myself into the warm water I smiled and rubbed at my stomach; she was the most important part of me and I couldn’t wait to meet her, get to know her and watch her grow.

As the water soothed my tensed muscles I allowed my mind to wander and soon I was drifting off to sleep.

I lifted my hand to shade my eyes from the sun as I watched a little girl no older than five years old run around the green lawn, taking a deep breath I noted that it was freshly cut.

I knew instantly that the little girl was my daughter, my heart rejoiced at how happy she looked as she chased Amethyst with Luna trailing after her.

“mummy, mummy!” she suddenly called and ran towards me I knelt down and held out my arms for her to run into and with a small jump she was in them it was if I had already done it a thousand times causing it to feel natural, second nature.

“My little Ciara” I inhaled into her hair and basked in the scent that was my daughter who was giggling happily and squirming within my grasp.

“I’m not little anymore mummy, I’m four years old” she exclaimed. I hugged her tightly then gave her a kiss.

“Of course you are darling, your growing up so fast” she smiled and stood back to look at me.

“Will my little brother or sister grow up fast too?” she asked and I frowned then looked down to see that I was at least seven months pregnant. I looked up at her and she smiled.

“Oh look, daddy’s here” I turned around to see who she was talking to but the sunshine got in the way and the last thing I saw before I woke up was Ciara running into a man full of light.


I sat up in the bath and looked at my stomach. No part of me felt fear over what I just dreamt, after all it was just a dream but I still smiled at the image of what Ciara is in my mind and if she came out looking nothing like that I would still be happy.

“Hurry up baby girl” I sang to my belly then I got out and began to dry off.

Half an hour later I was dressed in a maternity suit and had my hair in a French twist then I was sitting at the kitchen table drinking a hot chocolate and eating toast.

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