Chapter eleven

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Hello me fellow Wattpadians, i know i said i wouldnt be on for a while but... i just had to post this chapter regardless of the mirgraines hahaha.

so comment, vote or just plain read.

i dedicate this chapter to blackrobin who was my first commenter. it means alot <3

so here is and enjoy. 


All during the car ride home all I heard was them saying.

“Not guilty” over and over again and each time I heard it another piece of me died.

“Honey?” Camille asked trying to sound concerned but all I heard was the anger she was radiating from her tone, stance and the lightness in her knuckles on her dark skin.

“I’m fine” I whispered rubbing my stomach. A tiny being was growing in me, a little piece of me and a piece of him my mind reminded me which sent shivers down my spine.

I already loved the little being inside of me; I would do anything to protect it. It was that moment I fully decided that I was going to keep this baby and raise it. Yes I was young but I was so much more mature than most kids my age were. A smile broke out on my face; I was going to be a mum.

“Honey?” Camille asked again probably thinking I had lost my mind.

“I’m going to be a mum” I laughed then thoughts of them pleading their innocence clouded my mind. How could they think that they would get away with it? I was the innocent one! Me and the baby growing inside me.

Camille pulled up out front and we got out of the car. She walked in first I could tell with every step she took that she was barely holding it together. I walked in with my eyes staring straight ahead I wasn’t really seeing the numbness was creeping in.

“Lucas baby, why don’t you go wash up for tea? I heard Trinity say to my brother but I couldn’t react; I wanted to reassure him but how? All he knew was that his sister was sad. He was too young to understand.

“What happened?” Drew asked. That was when I realised that Lucas had left the room. All off a sudden I wanted nothing more to retreat my scars had started to itch, like they were calling me for more brothers and sisters. That urge I found hard to resist.

“They all pleaded not guilty” I whispered making my way to my room it was like I had tunnel vision.

“They what?” I heard Drew shout then I heard Camille try and calm him down.

I rubbed my stomach knowing I wasn’t showing yet but knowing what was inside, knowing that I needed to protect it. Protect it like they never protected me.

“I better go” I heard Trinity whisper then all of a sudden I could see the room, I could see her making her way to the door. The sudden urge for me to stop her hit me; I didn’t want her to leave. I needed her to stay so I quickly walked to the door and put my hand over the one that she was using to open it.

“No, please stay with me” I begged quietly. She took a step away from the door and pulled me into a hug. In that instant I knew that I never wanted her to leave, I didn’t want to live without her.

“Yes, yes” I whispered pulling her to me even tighter.

“I should have said it last night but yes, I love you too” then I was kissing her neck, her hair, her cheeks and finally her lips.

The world washed away and it was just the two of us. Everything fell into place, my urge vanished, the grey that had been clouding my vision evaporate, the darkness corrupting my mind left. It was just Trinity and me and it felt so right, it felt natural, like it was meant to be and I was an idiot for ever pushing her away, someone whom I loved and who loved me back.

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