Chapter Twenty-Two

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Hello my Avid readers, sorry this chapter has taken me so long heaps happened but I wont bore you with details so without further ado chapter twenty-two of hidden within.

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“You what?” I asked stunned please tell me that my mother didn’t just admit to murdering my father, please, please, please. I watched as she broke down into tears and slammed down into the ground as if her legs could no longer hold her.

“I killed him; he was a rotten drunk it started after he lost his job at the factory. At first it was just a drink at dinner and then one day I got home from work and it was like the whole house was full. He had three fridges full of beer, under the bed, couch in the bath were spirits and other hard liquor. He left you alone in the back yard and you fell into the kiddie pool. I barely got there in time and he was passed out on the couch. I went in and hit him; he woke up and hit me back it turned into a screaming match of the century. You were crying and shivering from the cold so I picked you up and ran you into the bedroom and wrapped you in a blanket as I packed. He came in and demanded to know what I was doing so I told him the truth.” She took a breath and continued whilst I stood frozen to the floor.

 “I was leaving him, I couldn’t take it anymore. You were five years old about to start school and you deserved a father would, could stay sober. He went to hit me so that I wouldn’t leave but I pushed him and he tripped and fell. I took my chance and I grabbed you, the small bag I had managed to pack and I ran down the stairs. He followed and he tripped, he came down so hard and fast that I thought he had died just from the impact but he was still breathing and I just wanted to run in case he got up to come after me again then I noticed that he wasn’t getting up. I ran to the phone to call nine- one- one and then I took you and left.” I frowned and felt Daciana by my side begin to stiffen. “You left and he died before the ambulance got there” Daciana whispered and I watched my mother nod, the tears hadn’t stopped and she looked completely defeated.

“I had gone straight to the police station to say what had happened and to lay charges when they received the call. There was a huge investigation but it was deemed an accident. You had seen and heard everything and somehow blocked it out. I worried everyday that you would get your memory back but you never did. I’m so sorry darling” she grabbed my free hand and I let her then she turned to Daciana.

“And I’m sorry to you too for everything I said” I looked at Daciana and saw that she was crying.

“I can understand what it feels like to do anything to protect your own child. I will always, always do that” she wiped her eyes looked at me. “We will always do that” I nodded and kissed her but then I turned back to my mother.

“I need you to explain one last thing. What did you plan with Roxanne? And why did you tell her that my true nature would always show?” her eyes widened and she looked at Roxanne who was by the looks of it trying to disappear through the end of the couch.

“Come on Trinity look at your relationship history. Daciana was your first real relationship and it’s quite a serious one. I didn’t want your first and last relationship be the one that ties you down with a girl who couldn’t even share her feelings led alone get help that is needed” I saw Daciana flinch but her gaze never wavered from my mothers.

“So you wanted me to cheat on Daciana with Roxanne and go back to the slut that I was?” I yelled my mother winced and so did Roxanne.

“You weren’t a slut darling you were adventurous” she tried to defend but I laughed it off.

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