Chapter fifteen

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Hey everyone! so i managed to finally get over losing one of my friends whom happened to be a large fan of this story and continue to write. i didnt lose her as in death but i chose to walk away from what was a toxic friendship which opened me up to the possibility of finding love. You all dont need to know about it so i shall allowyou to read chapter fifteen. i have to remind you all that this is unedited so there will be several mistakes but bear with me and i shall do the final edits once the story is complete.

so please Comment, vote, follow or just read.



Waking up was an experience I will never forget. The sunlight hit her hair and made it look like a sunset, her sun kissed skin glowed like a light was aflame and burning cheerily. I lay on my side, propped up on my elbow and gently caressed trinity's skin from her shoulder down to her hip and back up again she was perfect without a blemish marring her except for a tiny scar on her chin from when Chloe pushed her into a locker. 
"you know with you staring and touching me like that people would think you’re a lesbian" Trinity yawned peeking up at me through half opened eyes, a smile painted onto her lips as angelic as it could possibly get. 
"You know that you sleeping in my bed naked could be taken in many ways you know." I countered back. Trinity sat up a little, and stretched.
"Is that so? And what might those things be?" I smiled and began to leave butterfly kisses up her naked shoulder to her neck. I heard her intake of breath causing me to smile because I could cause such a reaction with only a few simple kisses. 
"That you seduced an innocent girl and brought her over to the side of your wicked ways" I replied between kisses and touches. Suddenly I was under Trinity and she was kissing and caressing my body paying close attention to my stomach which had became a sensitive spot over the last two months or so. Here I was mid moan and the door swings open.
"Rise and shine you ready--OH MY G-" drew slammed the door.

I looked at Trinity and burst out laughing whilst she groaned and lay down beside me. How many times did this have to happen before people learnt to shut the damn door?

I got out of bed and put on my robe so that I could go into the bathroom. I turned the shower on and adjusted it to the right temperature before I gingerly got in; as expected the door opened and a grumbling Trinity got in behind me.

“where were we?” she whispered into my ear causing a shiver to pass through my body, her voice was low and husky she kissed my neck and gently sucked need wracked my body as did her hands roaming across my chest and swollen stomach.

“Your insatiable” I moaned leaning back into her turning my head so I could kiss her, as she deepened the kiss her hands wandered down below. The run of the water drowned out the moans until we emerged satisfied, clean and ready for the day.

“I’m so sorry” Drew apologised again when we joined the table of friends for breakfast. I smiled and sat down pulling Trinity beside me; she cuddled into my side and watched everyone wearily.

“Doesn’t seem to be your week” Steph chuckled throwing a bit of bacon at me which I caught and chewed happily.

“Wasn’t the first time” I started, everyone finished.

“Won’t be the last” we all laughed and began to eat that’s when I frowned who cooked?

“Uh guys, when did you all get here, who cooked and where are my rental units and brother?” they all smiled at me like I was a small child and that they were going to lie to.

“They went to the carnival” Trin answered making them all groan.

“You ruined it!” Drew accused then he smiled “like I ruined your morning” everyone ooh'd and I laughed. Turning my head to show the hickey, proudly showing it love bite

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