Chapter four

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Hello my bookworms, another chapter is up. This will be the last one for a week as I am going away on a mini holiday. i made a mistake in the previous chapters. Camille is actually Daciana's mum's age. They used to be best friends. So...yeah haha

please comment or vote, which ever you like :D



“Shut up or I will kill you” he whispered to me. I nodded as he pulled back the blanket revealing me in only my pyjamas.

“How cute, you still wear pyjamas to bed, yet disappointing too” he cooed. I shied away from his touch but he just held me firmer. He unbuttoned my top and pulled it away from my skin leaving it bare. He grunted and left sloppy kisses down my neck and breasts. I whimpered and tried to move but he hand shot up to my neck. Cutting off my air supply.

“Now now love I waited a long time for this”

I woke up screaming. Someone reached out to grab me but I pushed them off.

“Don’t touch me” I sobbed then collapsed back onto the bed.

“What did they do to you?” a familiar voice asked.

I opened up my eyes and saw Sarah. That’s when I realised I was in the hospital. Images of what happened flashed through my mind; me showing up at Trinity’s house pretending everything was fine even though I felt dirty and broken on the inside, me kissing her to stop her from asking what was wrong. Me wanting her to make me forget. Then when she touched my inner thigh I was suddenly brought back to the night before. I ran to the bathroom and I…

“Oh god” I moaned and tried to catch my breath but I couldn’t, I couldn’t breathe. What had I done? I looked down at my wrists where bandages were securely wound around them.

“Calm down, Daciana, breath” I shook my head.

“I need to get out of here. Trinity oh god, I’m so sorry.” I cried suddenly Sarah’s arms were around me I tried to fight but gave up when I realised she was only trying to hug me. I broke down and allowed myself to cry.

“Shh, it’s ok. Let it all out” she murmured stroking my hair.

“Mum, is she?” Trinity stood in the doorway. Her hair was a mess; she looked paler than I usually did. I stared at her trying to find the words. She took a step towards me then stopped.

“Mum, can I talk to her alone for a minute?” she asked. Sarah let go and backed away.

“Of course love” she told her then left. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t speak. Tears streamed down my face.

“You scared me” she whispered. I cried harder.

“I’m so sorry, I just couldn’t, it didn’t, when we. I-” I took a deep breath and went to speak again but no words would come out.

“I know” she said her shoulders slumped then she turned to walk away.

“Don’t leave. Please, let me explain” I begged. I couldn’t lose her. We had only known each other six days but I was already falling in love with her.

She turned around and took a seat beside my bed.

“Explain” she whispered her eyes looking at my wrists; her eyes were red and puffy from crying. I took a deep breath and rubbed my sore wrists. Her hand snaked out and took mine.

“Don’t do that” she told me. I nodded and laced my fingers with hers.

“It’s not an easy story to tell” I warned. She looked up at me.

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